Greene County NC, declares Second Amendment Constitutional Rights

Greene County Government will utilize all legal means necessary to protect the Second Amendment Rights of Greene County citizens including, but not limited to, legal action.

Pender County NC, pass Support for Second Amendment Resolution

Pender County Board of County Commissioners pass unanimously the Resolution in Support of Second Amendment Rights.

Macon County NC, pass Supporting and Maintaining the Second Amendment Resolution

If any clerk of any court of record, sheriff, magistrate, school board member, county commissioner, county surveyor, coroner, treasurer, or official of any of the State institutions, or of any county, city or town, shall willfully omit, neglect or refuse to discharge any of the duties of his office, for default whereof it is not elsewhere provided that he shall be indicted, he shall be guilty of Class 1 misdemeanor

Scotland County NC, passes “Support for Second Amendment Rights” resolution

After more than 20 residents spoke before the board the vote was called to pass a revised resolution, the vote was 6-1 in favor.

Vance County NC, board declares “Constitutional Rights Protected County”

The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Vance County Commissioners Board, requested a resolution be prepared for consideration by the full board. On the 9th of March the resolution was brought to the attention of the board and was voted upon. The resolution was passed through unanimous vote of the commission.

Polk County NC, passes Second Amendment Resolution

Without much debate the resolution was brought forth and voted upon and subsequently passed. Commissioner David Moore said, “As a public official we take an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States as well as the Constitution of North Carolina and both of those give us the right to bear arms,”

Wilson County NC, adopts resolution affirming Second Amendment

Wilson County North Carolina, Commissioners adopted a resolution affirming their support of the Second Amendment 2 March 2020. The motion to vote came after several residents attended the meeting spoke for and against the resolution. The passage designating Wilson County as a Second Amendment sanctuary county.

Perquimans County NC, pass resolution in support of the Second Amendment

Perquimans County NC, pass resolution in support of the Second Amendment

Hyde County NC, pass Support for Second Amendment Resolution

Commissioner Swindell said that the resolution had passed and was going through finalization.

Moore County NC, passes second amendment resolution

Moore County commissioners unanimously adopted a resolution Tuesday night declaring their “continuing commitment” to the Second Amendment and to “use every authority and power of the county to defend and protect the rights” of its citizens to bear arms.