Wicomico County, MD declared a Second Amendment Sanctuary

On March 2, 2021, the Wicomico County Sheriff declared Wicomico County as a Second Amendment Sanctuary County.

Washington County, MD declared a Second Amendment Sanctuary

On Nov. 17, 2020 the Washington County, Maryland Board of County Commissioners unanimously passed a Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution.

Garrett Co. MD becomes a Second Amendment Preservation County

On August 3, 2020 the Garrett County, Maryland Board of County Supervisors passed a Second Amendment Preservation Resolution.

St. Mary’s County MD, designated second amendment sanctuary

It did not take long for the matter of the Second Amendment Resolution to pass through the county commissioners in the April 28th meeting and passed unanimously.

Calvert County MD, a Second Amendment Constitutional (Sanctuary) County

Oppose unconstitutional restrictions on the right of the citizens of Calvert County to keep and bear arms through such legal means as may be expedient.

Allegheny County MD, declared “Second Amendment Sanctuary”

Allegheny County Maryland, county commissioners pass unanimously a resolution declaring the county a "Second Amendment Sanctuary". Commission President Jake Shade said the resolution stands against, “any bill containing language that could be interpreted as infringing on the Second Amendment right on the citizens of Allegany County’s rights to keep and bear arms.”

Caroline County, MD passed a resolution opposing the Maryland Firearms Safety Act

On June 11, 2013 Caroline County, Maryland passed a resolution opposing the Maryland Firearms Safety Act of 2013.

Carroll Co. MD, Commissioners Declare County a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’

The Board of Carroll County Commissioners voted unanimously earlier this week to pass a resolution stating that Carroll County is a "Second Amendment Sanctuary County".

Harford Co. MD, Second Amendment sanctuary? Yes they are!

And in 2013 in Maryland, Carroll, Cecil and Harford counties have passed laws nullifying the state’s ban on 45 different rifles and clips holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. The Maryland law also requires doctors to report patients they don’t believe should own a firearm.

Cecil County MD, Council rejects state gun law in resolution

Several citizens spoke in support of Cecil County Councilman Alan McCarthy's resolution opposing the state's recently passed gun law Tuesday night, shortly before the county council voted 4-0 to adopt it with amendments.