Lakefield City, Minnesota passes Resolution in support of Second Amendment

On May 3, 2021 the City Council of Lakefield, Minnesota passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment. The Resolution passed with a vote of 4-1. Verification Citation/Source: Lakefield...

Hubbard County, Minnesota Declared a Second Amendment Dedicated County

On April 21, 2020, Hubbard County, Minnesota Commissioners declared their county a Second Amendment Dedicated County.

Mille Lacs County, MN Board passes a Constitutional Rights resolution

On August 18, 2020 the Mille Lacs County Minnesota Board of County Commissioners unanimously passed a Constitutional Rights resolution.

Crow Wing County MN, passes 2nd Amendment resolution

The Crow Wing County Board unanimously passed a resolution Tuesday, 23 June 2020, declaring its dedication to the Second Amendment.

Sibley County MN, Pass Constitution Resolution after tossing public proposed 2A Resolution

This seems to be how these people who are voted in to represent you operate, bowing down to state action instead of standing up for the very people they are suppose to represent.

Pennington County MN, pass “Second Amendment Dedicated County” resolution

Previously the resolution had been tabled due to some questions on the proposed content. The issues had been addressed by removal of two lines. Ultimately this change was acceptable by the commission and it passed unanimously.

Todd County MN, passes Second Amendment Resolution

Todd County MN, passed a resolution declaring "2nd Amendment Dedicated" to which it will refuse to appropriate resources to enforce unconstitutional restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms and will use all legal means to defend their citizen's 2nd Amendment rights.

Faribault County MN, approve resolution supporting Second Amendment

After going through two separate votes to get the 'Second Amendment Dedicated County' resolution passed it did so unanimously.

Wright County MN, pass Second Amendment Dedicated County Resolution

The reading of the amended version of the resolution starts at 33:02 in the video. Public discussion starts at 37:35. At 41:16 the sheriff came to the podium and spoke favorably towards the resolution. 50:26 the resolution was brought up to adopted and was thusly voted upon with 5-0 in favor to pass.

Kanabec County MN, passed a resolution declaring itself ‘Second Amendment Dedicated’

A roll-call vote was made, Commissioners Les Nielson, Denny McNally, Gene Anderson and Craig Smith voted in favor; Commissioner Kathi Ellis was opposed, the resolution passed 4-1. The Kanabec County Board of Commissioners hereby declares Kanabec County, Minnesota, as a “Second Amendment Dedicated County”.