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Franklin County, IN Passes 2nd Amendment Preservation Ordinance

Franklin County, Indiana joined them by passing a 2nd Amendment Preservation Ordinance. It passed unanimously, and County Commissioner Scott M. McDonough says they mean business.

Lincoln County NM, a Second Amendment Preservation

Lincoln County Board of Commissioners hereby supports and requests the legislature of the state of New Mexico adopt and enact any and all measures as may be nessesary to reject and nullify the enforcement of any federal acts

Wyoming Firearms Freedom Act of 2010

AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Firearms Freedom Act; establishing a Wyoming Firearms Freedom Act; providing that specified firearms that are manufactured, sold, purchased, possessed and used exclusively within Wyoming shall be exempt from federal regulation, including registration requirements; providing exceptions; creating offenses; providing penalties; authorizing the attorney general to defend specified actions; providing legislative findings and declarations of authority; establishing conditions for the possession and purchase of specified firearms; and providing for an effective date.

McLean County IL, Second Amendment Resolution

McLean County Board, opposes any legislation that unreasonably infringes on the right of the people to bear arms

Brown County, Illinois, adopted a resolution supporting the Second Amendment 2007

Brown County, Illinois, adopted a resolution supporting the Second Amendment