Nick Freitas: How to get 2A Sanctuary Counties supporters to vote
Nick Freitas discusses how he is working to ensure that the supporters of the Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties movement actually go out and vote.
10 Second Amendment Cases Before The US Supreme Court This Friday, May 1st.
Jared over at Guns & Gadgets give you the breakdown on what is included in the upcoming cases presented to the Supreme Court so quickly after the dismissal of the NY case earlier this week.
Virginia Senate Judiciary Committee Votes to table HB 961 until next year
According to this video from Guns & Gadgets, Virginia's Assault Weapons Ban HB 961 has been tabled until next year by a 10 to 5 vote.
Jerome County, Idaho supports the 2nd Amendment and other Constitutional Rights
On March 8, 2021, Jerome County, Idaho Commissioners passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment and other Constitutional Rights.
Hartsville/Trousdale County, TN Passes Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution
On April 27, 2020, the Hartsville/Trousdale County, TN County Commission passed RESOLUTION #2020-10-685, becoming a Second Amendment Sanctuary County.
Tennessee Gov. Lee announces Constitutional Carry without permit if over 21 years old
This legislation is about increasing freedom for law-abiding citizens and implementing harsher penalties for criminals.
Wood County Wisconsin Passes Pro-Second Amendment Resolution
On December 15, 2020 the Wood County Wisconsin Board of Supervisors passed a Pro-Second Amendment Resolution with a vote of 12-7.
This is HUGE!!! These 8 States Could Form The Interstate Compact on 2nd Amendment...
These 8 States Could Form The Interstate Compact on 2nd Amendment Sanctuary!
New Mexico Governor Sends Message To Sheriffs Regarding Red Flag
New Mexico Governor Sends Message To Sheriffs Regarding Red Flag
Arizona: HUGE Gun Ban Bill Submitted
If you live in Arizona and you have been watching what is going down in Virginia then this video should seriously concern you.