Reid Henrichs Speech at Virginia Militia Muster(Franklin County)

In this informative video, Reid Henrichs of Valor Ridge gives a speech at the Franklin County Militia muster. Representatives from the VCDL also spoke at the event.

URGENT: Bloomberg Names His New Target…TEXAS

Bloomberg Names His New Target...TEXAS, Guns & Gadget

Anderson County, SC passes Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance

On July 7th, 2020 Anderson County, South Carolina's County Council passed a Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance with a 5 to 1 vote.

Time Capsule: Sheriff Maketa of El Paso Co CO, talks at anti-gun law rally,...

El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa speaks at an anti-gun law rally with a coalition of other county sheriffs from Colorado.

Chad LeBrun warns, “When you lose a right, you don’t get it back.” –...

Chad LeBrun encourages us to educate, not hate our fellow Americans and to stand up for our rights because once lost, we won't get them back.

Guns&Gadgets, Texas Gun Control with Rachel Malone of Gun Owners of America

Texas Gun Control with Rachel Malone of Gun Owners of America

Our First-Ever Video Interview with Alaskan Ballistics

It was an honor to be a guest on the Alaskan Ballistics channel to discuss our efforts to archive the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement.

Saslaw VA, Hot Mic – 2nd Amendment Supporters are “crazy” and “like little kids”

In this video from Freedom Videos, Dick Saslaw refers to Second Amendment Supporters as "crazy" and "like little kids" at Fairfax County meeting.

New Mexico Red Flag Bill Heading To Governor’s Desk

New Mexico Red Flag Bill Heading To Governor's Desk

2A Victory In California!

Jared from Guns and Gadgets gives us the update on the case in Ventura County California.