Kenai Peninsula Borough, AK passes a Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance

On July 7, 2020 the Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska Assembly passed a Second Amendment Sanctuary Ordinance with a vote of 6 to 3.
NY GO to seek Mental evals.

New York Wants Gun Owners To Seek Mental Health Evaluations

New York Wants Gun Owners To Seek Mental Health Evaluations

Sawyer County, WI passes Second Amendment Reaffirmation Resolution

On July 16, 2020, Sawyer County's Board of Supervisors passed a resolution reaffirming their commitment to the Second Amendment and the Right to Bear Arms.

Two Veterans Perform Citizens Arrest on Entire County Board, They Laugh Until Sheriff Shows...

Many times, normal people get frustrated and wonder what they could possibly do to fight an out of control government. This could happen at the local, state or national level.

10 Second Amendment Cases Before The US Supreme Court This Friday, May 1st.

Jared over at Guns & Gadgets give you the breakdown on what is included in the upcoming cases presented to the Supreme Court so quickly after the dismissal of the NY case earlier this week.

16 Senators Ask FBI and ATF to Infringe MORE on Second Amendment.

The acts and moves of 'tyrants' is to attain more power at the expense of others rights.

[ARFCOM News] LA Constitutional Carry + Canuck Cop Blasts Deer + Bloomberg Tries To...

LA Constitutional Carry + Canuck Cop Blasts Deer + Bloomberg Tries To Buy TX

Virginia is the Next Battleground for the Second Amendment

This video is a very good summation of the situation on the ground here in Virginia. It covers the Lobby Day Rally, militias, VEXIT and more.
Why we keep and bear arms Sanctuary Counties

Why we fight for our right to keep and bear arms – #SanctuaryCounties

The West Freeway Church attack should serve as a lesson to all who question why we fight for our second amendment rights.

Hartsville/Trousdale County, TN Passes Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution

On April 27, 2020, the Hartsville/Trousdale County, TN County Commission passed RESOLUTION #2020-10-685, becoming a Second Amendment Sanctuary County.