The Northern Tyrant Governor Bans Guns from State Capital
May 7 2020, Michigan Republicans sought to strip State Governor Whitmer of her emergency powers, after unconstitutional restrictions.
The Sign of Our Times
Dr. Judy Mikovits exposes the narrative that our legislators and the medical community are pushing on us, to destroy lives and any possibility of freedom.
2A Victory In California!
Jared from Guns and Gadgets gives us the update on the case in Ventura County California.
Hartsville/Trousdale County, TN Passes Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution
On April 27, 2020, the Hartsville/Trousdale County, TN County Commission passed RESOLUTION #2020-10-685, becoming a Second Amendment Sanctuary County.
10 Second Amendment Cases Before The US Supreme Court This Friday, May 1st.
Jared over at Guns & Gadgets give you the breakdown on what is included in the upcoming cases presented to the Supreme Court so quickly after the dismissal of the NY case earlier this week.
3 Worst States Pushing Gun Control During National Emergency
There are a lot of States pushing gun control during this national emergency however there are 3 that stand above all others.
California ammo law shot down & GOA requests help to allow you to carry...
A California law regarding ammo purchases was shot down and the GOA is asking people to sign a petition to allow carrying on Army Corps of Engineers land.
16 Senators Ask FBI and ATF to Infringe MORE on Second Amendment.
The acts and moves of 'tyrants' is to attain more power at the expense of others rights.
You don’t have to worry about it, it’ll never happen here
Commissioner Pettus Read delivers remarks in support of the effort to make Rutherford County, TN a Second Amendment Sanctuary County
H.R. 5717 – Never let a good crisis go to waste
As the nation is dealing with a global pandemic, Representative Johnson (D-GA) is trying to push through a very harsh gun control bill, H.R. 5717.