Cache County UT, pass resolution in support of the Second Amendment

Cache County passes a resolution in Support of the Second Amendment through unanimous vote joining several other counties.

Uintah County Utah, becomes a ‘sanctuary county’ — for guns

The Uintah County Commission voted unanimously Wednesday to become Utah’s first “sanctuary county” for the Second Amendment — meaning that the government won’t recognize or enforce some federal or state regulations that restrict a person’s right to keep and bear firearms.

Wayne County UT, becomes third “Second Amendment Sanctuary”

Wayne County commissioners passed the ordinance on the 2nd day of March 2020 and will go into effect on the 17th of March 2020. This will be the third county in the state to have passed such county designation.

Wasatch County, Utah passes ordinance in support of Second Amendment

On May 12, 2021, the Wasatch County, Utah Council passed an ordinance in support of the Second Amendment, and declared their county a Second Amendment Sanctuary. The ordinance...

Weber County, Utah passes Resolution in support of Second Amendment

On April 6, 2021, Weber County, Utah Commissioners passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment. The resolution passed unanimously. Verification Citation/Source: Weber County, UT– County CommissionersResolution date passed:...

Garfield County, Utah passes ordinance in support of Second Amendment

On June 28, 2021, the Garfield County, Utah Commissioners passed an ordinance in support of the Second Amendment, and declared their county a Second Amendment Sanctuary. If you happen...

Kane County, Utah is a Second Amendment Sanctuary

On August 24, 2021, Kane County, Utah Commissioners passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment. The Resolution passed unanimously. Verification Citation/Source: Kane County, UT – County CommissionersResolution date...