Sevier County TN, declare support of the Second Amendment
Now, therefore be it resolved that the Sevier County Board of Commissioners has declared Sevier County to be a "Second Amendment Sanctuary County".
Greene County TN. failed to make itself a ‘Sanctuary’ but did pass resolution in...
The resolution stemmed from a state bill that didn't pass that would have allowed police to confiscate guns from residents flagged as dangerous.
Madison County, TN Passes 2nd Amendment Preservation Resolution
The Madison County Commission passed its 2nd Amendment Preservation Resolution on February 19, 2013. It passed with 18 Yes, 6 No and 1 Absent.
Carter Co. TN, Becomes Second Amendment Sanctuary
Carter Co. TN, Becomes Second Amendment Sanctuary, Unanimous 22-0 to pass
Jefferson Co. TN, Declared a Second Amendment Sanctuary County
On October 19, 2019, the Jefferson County Commission passed a resolution declaring Jefferson County, Tennessee to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary County.
Macon County TN, passes ‘Second Amendment’ resolution
Macon County Tennessee pass both a Second Amendment Resolution and a Refugee Resettlement Refusal resolution. Both passed unanimously with amendment.
Henry County TN, passes resolution in support of the second amendment
Henry County Tennessee Board of Commissioners passed a Resolution in support of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Blount Co. TN, passes Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution
Blount County is now the second county in Tennessee to become a Second Amendment sanctuary. It is a symbolic move by commission, but supporters say it sends a message that Blount County will protect citizens from tighter gun laws.
Hickman County TN, pass resolution declaring ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’
Hickman County, Tennessee, County Commission, Motion was made by Keith Nash and seconded by Austin Page to approve Resolution 20-05. Upon roll call vote 15 commissioners voted yes. Steve Phillips, lionel Barrett and James Hassell voted no. Kate Baldridge, John Deal and Ronny George were absent. (15 yes, 3 no, 3 absent) Motion passed by roll call vote.
Johnson Co. TN, Commissioners pledge support for the Second Amendment
Gun control made an appearance at the Johnson County Commissioners meeting on Thursday, December 19. Commissioners gathered in an adjoining room for a closed session discussion