Gallia County OH, declared 2nd Amendment sanctuary
Gallia officials and residents crowded in front of the Gallia Courthouse steps Thursday afternoon to declare Gallia County a Second Amendment sanctuary area in recognition of the right to bear arms in light of a movement regionally seeking to establish Second Amendment sanctuary areas.
Lawrence Co. Ohio, joins ranks of counties declaring themselves ‘Second Amendment sanctuaries’
The Lawrence County Board of Commissioners adopted a resolution declaring Lawrence County as a “Second Amendment sanctuary.”
Morgan County OH, listed as passing second amendment resolution
Morgan County OH, listed as passing second amendment resolution
Jefferson County, Ohio passes resolution in support of Second Amendment
On July 15, 2021, Jefferson County, Ohio Commissioners passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment. If you happen to know the vote count for this resolution, please...
Monroe County, Ohio passes Resolution in support of Second Amendment
On April 5, 2021, Monroe County, Ohio Commissioners passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment. The resolution passed unanimously.
Verification Citation/Source: Monroe County, OH – County CommissionersResolution date...