Huron County, OH, passes Second Amendment Resolution.

Huron County Ohio, commissioners shortly after a roll call they performed the reading of the resolution. Discussion with those present then made some comments in regard to the date to be signed. At the 14:30 mark they perform the vote which passed unanimously.

Meigs Co. OH, joins the fight for the Second Amendment. Passes resolution.

The Meigs County Commissioners recently approved a resolution declaring Meigs County to be a “Second Amendment Sanctuary County.”

Hocking County OH, Becomes a Second Amendment Sanctuary County

Hocking County Board of Commissioners pass resolution declaring county a gun sanctuary County.

Carroll County OH, pass Second Amendment and Article I, Section 4 Preservation County Resolution

Commissioners unanimously adopted Resolution #2020-30 declaring Carroll County a United States of America Second Amendment and Ohio Article I, Section 4 Preservation County.

Columbiana County OH, Fails to meet the minimum

Falling well short of passing a resolution, or even a proclamation, Columbiana County Board of Commissioners simply sent a letter to a single individual.

Noble County OH, signs resolution upholding the Constitution

Noble County OH, released a resolution today that steered to the second amendment rights guaranteed by the Ohio and U.S. Constitutions, The document we have received seems to be missing a resolution number upon the document as we normally see in other states

Fairfield County OH, passes resolution supporting the Constitution

Instead of supporting just the Second Amendment the Fairfield County Ohio Commissioners opted to support the Constitution as a whole.

Pike County OH, becomes Second Amendment sanctuary

A Second Amendment sanctuary can take place in a city, county or state. In the designated area, resolutions have been adopted to oppose the enforcement of certain gun control measures passed by state and federal governments,

Seneca County OH, in support of second-amendment rights

The Resolution signed states: “The Board of Commissioners of Seneca County, Ohio are committed to uphold the Second Amendment in order to preserve for the citizens of Seneca County, Ohio their rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America,” and “oppose any additional infringements on the rights of law-abiding citizens”

Marion County OH, passes support for Second Amendment Resolution.

On the 18th of February 2020 Marion County Ohio Commissioners meet with locals and affirmed their commitment to the second amendment. Ohio Stands United was in attendance and put forth the proposed resolution that was passed 3-0.