Box Butte County NE, shall stand and defend rights and liberties of citizens
We hereby declare that we shall stand and defend the rights and liberties of all citizens, which are guaranteed by the United States and Nebraska Constitutions
Sherman County NE, affirm right to bear arms
The Sherman County Board of Commissioners hereby declare that we support the rights and liberties of all County Citizens guaranteed by the United States and Nebraska Constitutions
Deuel County NE, declare to stand and defend rights and liberties of citizens
Upon motion of Commissioner Klingman, second of Commissioner Fischer, Resolution 2020-2 was approved. Timm, aye, Klingman, aye, Fischer, aye.
Scotts Bluff County NE, commissioners vote in favor of sanctuary resolution
Scotts Bluff Board of County Commissioners voted 3-1 in favor of the resolution to become a Second Amendment Sanctuary.
Frontier County NE, declare that they support rights and liberties
The Frontier County Board of Commissioners hereby declare that we support the rights and liberties of all Frontier County citizens guaranteed by the United States and Nebraska Constitutions
Cherry County NE, Commissioners approved a resolution in support of the second amendment
Cherry County Commissioners approved a resolution in support of the second amendment in the US and Nebraska Constitutions. The resolution states that it is the right of the people to keep and bear arms and that right shall not be infringed.
Cheyenne County NE, Commissioners pass “Constitution county” resolution
Cheyenne County Commissioners cemented its position pertaining to a bill in the legislature they believe could violate the second amendment and the constitution.
Morrill County Nebraska, Pending ‘Red Flag’ Bill Prompts Second Amendment Sanctuary Resolution
Morrill County has become what’s believed to be the first Second Amendment sanctuary county in the state, following unanimous approval of a resolution by the County Board this week.