Governor Ricketts Declares Nebraska a Second Amendment Sanctuary

On April 14, 2021, Nebraska's Governor, Pete Ricketts issued a proclamation designating Nebraska as a Second Amendment Sanctuary State.

Fillmore County, Nebraska passes resolution in support of Second Amendment

On March 9, 2021, Fillmore County, Nebraska Commissioners passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment. The resolution passed unanimously. Verification Citation/Source: Fillmore County, NE – County CommissionersResolution date...

Thomas County, Nebraska passes resolution in support of Second Amendment

On February 16, 2021, Thomas County, Nebraska Commissioners passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment. The resolution passed unanimously. The resolution passed unanimously. Verification Citation/Source: Thomas County, NE...

Loup County, Nebraska passes a Resolution in Support of the Second Amendment

On February 12, 2020, Loup County, Nebraska Commissioners passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment.

Banner County, Nebraska passes resolution in support of Second Amendment

On February 4, 2020, Banner County, Nebraska Commissioners passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment.

Hamilton County, Nebraska is a Second Amendment Sanctuary

On May 10, 2021, Hamilton County, Nebraska Commissioners made a proclamation declaring the county a Second Amendment Sanctuary.

Lincoln County, Nebraska passes resolution in support of Second Amendment

On April 12, 2021, Lincoln County, Nebraska Commissioners passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment.

Frontier County NE, declare that they support rights and liberties

The Frontier County Board of Commissioners hereby declare that we support the rights and liberties of all Frontier County citizens guaranteed by the United States and Nebraska Constitutions

Keith County, Nebraska passes resolution in support of Second Amendment

On March 17, 2021, Keith County, Nebraska Commissioners passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment.

Holt County, Nebraska is now a Second Amendment Sanctuary

On March 16, 2021 the Holt County, NE Board of Supervisors passed a resolution declaring the county a Second Amendment Sanctuary.