Edgar County IL, passes support for the second amendment resolution.

Board member Dan Bruner said the resolution as first presented several months ago by a county resident sought to declare Edgar County a sanctuary against firearms legislation passed by the General Assembly.

Hancock County IL, Becomes the Latest to Pass 2A Resolution

By a vote of 11-1 last night, the county board adopted familiar wording to pass edict

Pike County IL, Passes 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Resolution

Pike County IL, Passes 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Resolution

Williamson County IL, pass 2A referendum unanimously

After the question failed to advance to a vote, the commissioners voted instead to take up the original referendum opposing five specific pieces of gun legislation that were under consideration at the state level, some of which deal with wait periods for purchasing certain weapons and others banning possession of firearm accessories like bump stocks. That passed unanimously.

Crawford Co. IL, passes second amendment resolution

Resolution opposing the passage of HB1465, HB1467, any trailer bill, or any bill similar too, or any bill where the 100th Illinois General Assembly desires to restrict the Individual rights of the US citizens as protected by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Marion County IL, Board Goes on Record Against Any State Laws Limiting Gun Rights

The Marion County Board unanimously approved a resolution Tuesday night against the state government passing any laws to limit the rights of gun owners.

Livingston Co. IL, approved a resolution to support 2nd Amendment rights

Livingston County Illinois The board also approved a resolution to support 2nd Amendment rights.

McDonough County IL, Board endorses firearms resolution

McDonough County joined 33 other Illinois counties Wednesday in approving a resolution to the state opposing any changes regarding firearms possession. An audience of 72 came to the courthouse to witness the board’s discussion of the issue.

Calhoun Co IL, unanimously passes Gun Sanctuary County ordinance, sheriff gives support

Today, the Calhoun County Board of County Commissioners, unanimously passed a resolution to make Calhoun County a Gun Sanctuary County.

Stark Co. IL, Board adopted a resolution supporting the Second Amendment

The Stark County Board adopted a resolution supporting the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution on the right of citizens to bear arms, requesting that the privilege not be infringed.