Saline Co. IL, is the fifth county to declare itself a firearms ‘sanctuary’

Saline County has become the third Illinois county to symbolically declare itself to be a "sanctuary county" for firearm owners.

Perry County IL, board votes to become “gun sanctuary county”

In a 2-1 vote Thursday, the Perry County board passed a resolution to become a gun sanctuary county.

Illinois, Second Amendment referendums Nov 6. Results

Should the Illinois General Assembly pass legislation protecting a citizens right to keep and bear arms as defined by the second amendment of the United States Constitution?

Mercer County becomes a ‘sanctuary county’ for firearms

Mercer County Board Members unanimously passed a resolution to make the county a sanctuary county for firearms.

Brown County, Illinois, adopted a resolution supporting the Second Amendment 2007

Brown County, Illinois, adopted a resolution supporting the Second Amendment

Stark Co. IL, Board adopted a resolution supporting the Second Amendment

The Stark County Board adopted a resolution supporting the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution on the right of citizens to bear arms, requesting that the privilege not be infringed.

Bond County IL, pass resolution in support of 2nd Amendment

Bond County IL, pass resolution in support of 2nd Amendment

Fayette County IL, a Second Amendment Sanctuary

Fayette County shall become a "sanctuary county" for all firearms unconstitutionally prohibited by the government of the State of Illinois

Gallatin County IL, opposing any bill that restricts the citizens 2A right

The People of Gallatin County, Illinois. do hereby oppose the enactment of any legislation that would infringe upon the Right of the People to keep and bear arms

Menard County, Illinois passes resolution in support of the Constitution and the Second Amendment

On February 25, 2021, Menard County, Illinois Commissioners passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment. If you happen to know the vote count for this resolution, please...