Walker Co. GA, Commissioner signs proclamation recognizing Constitution, and right to bear arms

Walker County Commissioner Shannon Whitfield issued a Proclamation this evening designating March 1st – 7th as Second Amendment Awareness and Celebration Week. The Proclamation publicly acknowledges and reiterates support for the rights provided by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Ware County GA, Sheriff declares Second Amendment Sanctuary

Ware County GA, Sheriff declares Second Amendment Sanctuary

Fannin County GA, Pass resolution to be a “Second Amendment Sanctuary”

As reported by Fetch Your News Facebook page, The Fannin County Board of Commissioners have passed a resolution to make Fannin County a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary.

Heard County GA, passes “Second Amendment County” resolution

By a vote of 4 - 0 the Heard County Georgia Board of Commissioners passed a resolution to make the county a Second Amendment Sanctuary.

Paulding County GA, unanimously pass “Second Amendment Sanctuary” resolution

Paulding County Georgia brought forth a resolution to make itself a "Second Amendment Sanctuary". When brought to a vote it passed with unanimous consent.

Upson County GA, passes Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution

Discussion and approval of Resolution 05-2020 Resolution expressing support for the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution; prohibiting support or funding for provisions found to violate the Second Amendment; and for related matters, motion passed

Gordon Co GA, passes resolution supporting the Second Amendment

Motion to approve the minutes of the 25 Feb 2020 meeting passed on 2 Mar 2020. Gordon County Georgia passes Resolution in support of the Second Amendment.

White County GA, makes Second Amendment statement

The White County Board of Commissioners made clear their support for a citizen's right to keep and bear arms.

Pickens County GA, affirms the second amendment through resolution

Pickens County Georgia has unanimously passed a resolution affirming the second amendment and declaring the Board it is full support. After the reading of the resolution(Text Below), Chairman Robert Jones made a motion to bring the resolution to a vote and was seconded by Becky Denney, The vote was made and passed unanimously.

Dawson Co GA, a “Second Amendment Sanctuary County”

Dawson County GA, passes its “Second Amendment Sanctuary County" with a Unanimous vote of 4-0.