Fremont County CO, pass Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution

Resolution 12, A resolution for the Fremont County Board of County Commissioners, Declaring Fremont County to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary County

Baca County CO, historically has passed two Second Amendment Resolutions

Baca County Colorado has historically passed two separate resolutions that have been in defense of the Second Amendment. The first was passed on the 7th of March 2013, and the most recent was passed 28th of June 2018.

Custer County CO, declared to be a “Second Amendment Sanctuary County”

Clint read the resolution into the record. MOTION by Commissioner Canda, to adopt Resolution #19-02 “A Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners for Custer County declaring said County to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary County”.

Douglas County, CO passes resolution in defense of Second Amendment

Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners, that the Board expresses its support of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article II, Section 13 of the Colorado Constitution protections of the right to bear arms by law-abiding citizens.

Otero County CO, Defends Second Amendment with resolution

Well ahead of the game Otero County pass Resolution in defense of the Second Amendment.