Phillips County CO, support of the Second Amendment Resolution

Lock made a motion, seconded by Hofmeister, to approve the following resolution in support of the Second Amendment of the United State of America:

Huerfano County CO, Second Amendment Preservation County

A motion was made by Commissioner Vezzani and seconded by Commissioner Cisneros to adopt RESOLUTION #19-14

Logan County CO, declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Status

The best way to prevent gun violence is to address the growing mental health crisis and not to limit the inalienable rights of the law abiding citizens of Logan County

Crowley County CO, passes support for the Second Amendment resolution.

it is the desire of the Board to declare its support of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and the provisions of the Colorado Constitution which protect Crowley County Citizens, inalienable and individual right to keep and bear arms.

Elbert County CO, pass ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary’ Resolution

Elbert Approves Resolution Declaring County a “Second Amendment Sanctuary County” Resolution preserves the Second Amendment of the US Constitution.

Yuma County CO, adopts Support for Second Amendment

Declaring Yuma County as a Red Flag sanctuary for HB19-1177 after review by the county attorney

Jackson County CO, declares Second Amendment Sanctuary

Jackson County Sheriff joined the meeting and voiced his support before the resolution was passed unanimously by the board

Alamosa County CO, a “Second Amendment Sanctuary”

Commissioner Allen made the motion to approve the resolution and was seconded by Commissioner Yohn. The motion passed 2-1 with Sigmond voting against. The passing of the resolution was met with a round of applause.

Dolores County CO, pass resolution in support of the Second Amendment

Dolores County Board of Commissioners pass Resolution #03-19-01 with a vote of 3-0, declaring its support for the second amendment and in response to the proposed "Red Flag" laws.

El Paso County CO, Pro-Second Amendment Resolution approved

By the El Paso Board of County Commissioners by the authority granted the Board by the laws of the State of Colorado and people of El Paso County, Colorado to stand and defend their rights and liberties