Montezuma County CO, declares right to bear arms

Resolution #4-2019, a Declaration that Montezuma County is a Sanctuary County for the Constitutional fught to Keep and Bear Arms. Second by Commissioner Candelaria and carried

Yuma County CO, adopts Support for Second Amendment

Declaring Yuma County as a Red Flag sanctuary for HB19-1177 after review by the county attorney

Fremont County CO, pass Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution

Resolution 12, A resolution for the Fremont County Board of County Commissioners, Declaring Fremont County to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary County

Moffat County CO, pass Second Amendment Resolution

Resolution Opposing the Enactment of any Legislation that would Infringe Upon the Second Amendment Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms & Considering Such Laws to be Unconstitutional
Picture of a monument in the town of monument

Monument, Colorado becomes a COVID-19 Sanctuary Town

Monument, Colorado has been declared a Sanctuary from COVID-19 restrictions. Their resolution was passed with a unanimous vote of 7-0.

Dolores County CO, pass resolution in support of the Second Amendment

Dolores County Board of Commissioners pass Resolution #03-19-01 with a vote of 3-0, declaring its support for the second amendment and in response to the proposed "Red Flag" laws.

Lincoln County CO, declares Second Amendment Sanctuary

Lincoln County CO, declares Second Amendment Sanctuary

Logan County CO, declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Status

The best way to prevent gun violence is to address the growing mental health crisis and not to limit the inalienable rights of the law abiding citizens of Logan County

Douglas County, CO passes resolution in defense of Second Amendment

Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners, that the Board expresses its support of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article II, Section 13 of the Colorado Constitution protections of the right to bear arms by law-abiding citizens.

Kiowa County CO, pass resolution 2019-3 declaring Second Amendment Sanctuary

this Board will not authorize or appropriate government funds, resources, employees, agencies, contractors, buildings, detention centers or offices for the purpose of enforcing law that unconstitutionally infringes on the right of the people