Teller County CO, in support of the 2nd Amendment Rights

A resolution in support of the 2nd Amendment rights to keep and bear arms for all Teller County citizens.

Mineral County CO, adopt Second Amendment Preservation Resolution

This Board affirms its support for the duly elected Sheriff of Mineral COunty, Colorado in the exercise of his sound discretion and affirms its resolve

Baca County CO, historically has passed two Second Amendment Resolutions

Baca County Colorado has historically passed two separate resolutions that have been in defense of the Second Amendment. The first was passed on the 7th of March 2013, and the most recent was passed 28th of June 2018.

Garfield County CO, Affirms its Support for Second Amendment Preservation

The commissioners and Garfield County Sheriff Lou Vallario vowed to defend the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Sedgwick County CO, a Second Amendment Sanctuary

After monitoring the movement of the redflag bill in the legislation the Sedgwick Commissioners pass a resolution in response.

Logan County CO, declares Second Amendment Sanctuary Status

The best way to prevent gun violence is to address the growing mental health crisis and not to limit the inalienable rights of the law abiding citizens of Logan County

Lincoln County CO, declares Second Amendment Sanctuary

Lincoln County CO, declares Second Amendment Sanctuary

Huerfano County CO, Second Amendment Preservation County

A motion was made by Commissioner Vezzani and seconded by Commissioner Cisneros to adopt RESOLUTION #19-14

Otero County CO, Defends Second Amendment with resolution

Well ahead of the game Otero County pass Resolution in defense of the Second Amendment.

El Paso County CO, Pro-Second Amendment Resolution approved

By the El Paso Board of County Commissioners by the authority granted the Board by the laws of the State of Colorado and people of El Paso County, Colorado to stand and defend their rights and liberties