Who needs a grandfather clause?
Think you're going to be OK as long as you buy your rifle before the new laws go into effect? Think again. It appears that there is no grandfather clause.
Governor Blackface is gunning for your guns.
My, how quickly the tides have turned. We were once a commonwealth living peacefully with one another and then Governor, "Coon Man" decided that it was high time Virginians...
We don’t need none of that California nonsense here in Virginia.
Slowly but surely, the politics of states like California and New York are coming to Virginia. If you want to stop it, now is the time to step up!
Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties are Expanding
The push for 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Counties is expanding by leaps and bounds. Check out the latest post by Ammoland about the fight for our 2nd Amendment.
How about some more refugees here in Virginia?
Governor Northam is working really hard to bring more potential anti-gun refugees into the state.