Philip Van Cleave is fighting for your rights. What are you doing?

Philip Van Cleave was fighting for your Second Amendment rights today. What were you doing? Now is the time to get activated.
Sanctuary Counties News

Pushback in Marshall County, Kentucky

Marshall County, Kentucky is having some difficulty declaring Sanctuary County status. Cities threaten to seek injunctions against sanctuary ordinances.
Graphic showing that one third of all U.S. counties are now Second Amendment Sanctuaries

One-Third of U.S. Counties are now Second Amendment Sanctuaries

More than one third of all counties in America are now Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties, marking a major milestone for this movement.
Sanctuary Counties News

Winchester not willing to adopt 2nd Amendment resolution

Winchester has declined to join dozens of other Virginia localities regarding passage of a resolution supporting the right of citizens to own and use guns.

’We’re gun-friendly’: NJ town calls itself a 2nd Amendment sanctuary

A New Jersey town council approved a resolution last week that proclaimed it a “sanctuary township” for law-abiding gun owners.

AG Herring says he expects all Virginians to follow his new laws

The new Attorney General seems to think that the Sanctuary Counties movement has no teeth whatsoever and that you're all just gonna do as you're told.

Washington State, House Passes Bill to Expand Court-Ordered Gun Confiscation

Courts could be one step closer to ordering people subject to vulnerable adult protection orders to surrender their firearms after the House voted 55 to 42 on Friday, Feb. 14 in favor of a bill that expands authority to do so.
Sanctuary Counties News

Guns the No. 2 ‘extremely important’ issue in 2020

Amid a growing national drive in some 20 states to provide “gun sanctuaries” in areas where calls are increasing for new controls, gun policy has become the second most “extremely important” issue in the 2020 elections.
National Sanctuary County Map Update 2-12-2020

Updated Map of American Pro Second Amendment / 2A Sanctuary Counties – 2/12/2020

Updated 2/12/2020 - This map shows the counties that we are aware of in the United States that have declared themselves Sanctuary Counties. Please share.
Chuck Schumer Red Flag Law

GOA files Red Flag order against Senator Chuck Schumer

Gun Owners of America has applied for a Red Flag Order against Senator Chuck Schumer after his speech on the steps of the Supreme Court.