On January 11, 2022 the County Board of Vermilion County, Illinois passed an ordinance in support of the Second Amendment. The Ordinance passed with a vote of 19-4-0-4.
Verification Citation/Source: Vermilion County, IL – County Board
Resolution date passed: 11 Jan 2022
Vote Count: 19 Aye – 4 Nay – 0 Abstain – 4 Absent.
Vermilion County Illinois Second Amendment Preservation Act
Whereas, the enforcement of the United States Constitutional requirements to recognize the position of the Sherriff as the conservator of the peace within Vermilion County, Illinois and protect law abiding citizens with their rights from encroachment or confiscation under the rights defined in the second amendment of the United States of America.
Whereas, law abiding citizens object to being contacted in person, or by other means, pertaining to their possession or sale of firearms and firearm-related items.
Whereas, let it be known that the Vermilion County Board hereinto fully supports the second amendment of the United States of America Constitution and law-abiding citizens in their right to bear arms.
The Vermilion County, Illinois Board supports the sitting Sherriff with any and all control forthwith and that any infringements to the rights of local law-abiding gun owners shall not be recognized.
Such federal or State acts, laws, orders, rules, and regulations include but not limited to:
Any tax levy, fee, or stamp imposed on firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition not common to all other goods and services which impose on the purchase or ownership of those items by law-abiding citizens;
Any act ordering the confiscation of firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition from law-abiding citizens;
Any registering of the owners and or firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition of those by law-abiding citizens.
Any act past, present or future the infringe on the rights of legal gun owners as of this 11th day of January two thousand and twenty-two.
A violation of this ordinance shall subject the violator to a fine of $100 for each violation when the Sherriff sees fit.
Now, Therefore, let it be ordained that The Vermilion County, Illinois Board recognizes that it is the duty of the courts both federally and locally as well as law enforcement agencies to protect the law-abiding citizens of Vermilion County, Illinois and their right to bear arms as set forth by the Constitution of the United States of America.
Vermilion County, Illinois recognizes that any person, while acting as an official, agent, employee, or deputy of the United States Government who enforces, or attempts to enforce any infringements identified in this resolution or provides mutual aid and or support to infringe upon the right to bear arms by law abiding citizens of Vermilion County shall only do so under the direction of the conservator of the peace of the County of Vermilion and that being the sitting Sherriff.
Any and all agents trying to enforce any federal regulations listed in this resolution shall be stopped and barred from doing so on the rights of law-abiding citizens of Vermilion County, Illinois in any way that the conservator of the peace of the county that being the sitting Sherriff deems appropriate.
This shall be known and cited as “Second Amendment Preservation Act of Vermilion County, Illinois. Dated, this 11th day of January, 2022
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