Home Education Sanctuary How to Ban CRT at Your School and Become an Education Sanctuary

How to Ban CRT at Your School and Become an Education Sanctuary

Pencils and books on a desk with text that reads: EDUCATION SANCTUARY

Multiple school districts have successfully banned the teaching of Critical Race Theory recently. We’ve gathered some resources to help you get CRT banned at your school as well. As we reported recently, the El Paso County, Colorado District 49 Board of Education voted 3-2 to ban Critical Race Theory. However, aside from the vote and the amazing speech from Derrick Wilburn, something was overlooked: the justification that was submitted in support of the resolution banning CRT.

Most outlets reported about the board meeting itself, or the amazing speakers that attended, but part of our mission here at SanctuaryCounties.com is to educate patriots as to how to engage in local political activism. In this article, we will take a look at how this resolution was justified to the board of education since nobody else is really looking at it. We’ll also review some of the additional steps you’ll need to take to make your school or your county an Education Sanctuary.

What is an “Education Sanctuary”

An Education Sanctuary is a city / county / school district / county school board / etc whose representatives have voted on a resolution or ordinance to ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory and its disgusting and racist principles. The term, “Education Sanctuary,” is simply a modification of the “Second Amendment Sanctuary” terminology so as to fit the realm of school. We recommend that you include the phrase “Education Sanctuary” in your resolution so that we can more easily track the movement as it progresses across the country.

Example: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT, District 47 is hereby declared to be an Education Sanctuary District.

Rationale for considering a Resolution Banning CRT:

The following information was submitted along with the resolution banning CRT to the District 49 Board of Education. Consider using this to submit a similar resolution to your own school district Board of Education, or even your county School Board:


Background or Rationale: Following board motion of June 10, the following is an introduction to the D49 BOE proposed Resolution Against Critical Race Theory.

The Board of Education for District 49 (hereafter known as D49) asserts that the United States is a nation founded upon exceptional principles. These ideas were embodied in the Declaration of Independence which proclaimed that “all men are created equal” and “that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights.” Human equality is the quintessential truth upon which our form of government necessarily hinges. We are an imperfect nation and have struggled from the beginning to live up to these ideals. It is our duty, as elected officials, to move always closer to these ideals and to do our part to ensure that future generations will enjoy the blessings of liberty.

D49 partners with parents to assist in their responsibility to educate their children in accordance with the principle that America is a nation founded on the principle that all men and women are created equal per the Declaration of Independence, Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution and the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution provides that we may not “deny to any person … the equal protection of the laws.” The Supreme Court has asserted that this clause “is to prevent the States from purposefully discriminating between individuals on the basis of race.” Multiple Supreme Court cases emphasize that racial classifications “ultimately have a destructive impact on the individual and our society.” Similarly, Title VI of the 1964 Civil Right Act protects all students who attend institutions receiving federal funding from being treated differently based on their actual or perceived race, color, or national origin.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) began as an academic movement interested in transforming the relationship among race, racism, and power. It purports to grapple with a history of white supremacy and the laws and systems that grew from that past. In the arena of public education, CRT has developed themes and language to address racism and inequality such as “white privilege,” “intersectionality,” “microaggressions,” and “equity.” A related concept, “antiracism” or “fighting against racism” also has emerged. This describes an unconscious condition where in the absence of making antiracist choices, white supremacy and unequal institutions are being upheld. Antiracism assigns immutable negative characteristics to individuals solely based upon their race or ethnicity.

The driving force behind CRT and antiracism is the acceptance of a worldview that encompasses specific notions about history, philosophy, sociology, and public policy. By its own terms, CRT/antiracism excludes individuals who merely advocate for neutral principles of the Constitution, or who deny or question the extent to which white supremacy shapes our institutions.

Public Education, properly designed, includes age-appropriate exposure to events, philosophies, and structures which comprise the American experience. Clearly, this may and should include instruction of the facts and related literature regarding racism and inequality in America. However, such exposure should not purport to deliberately undermine student/family values, religious beliefs, or principles. Further, every student, regardless of status, has a unique life story. Thus, while instructors and administrators may recognize and/or believe in particular doctrines in the areas of faith, civil rights, economics, international affairs, sociology, or politics, it never should be the role of public educators to endorse or proselytize on behalf of a specific perspective in any of these areas. Certainly, CRT/antiracism or related euphemistic surrogates should not be an element of D49’s curricula or teacher training.

Relevant Data And Expected Outcomes: Prohibition and discontinuance of any instruction or promotion of Critical Race Theory elements to students or staff.

Recommended Course Of Action/Motion Requested: Move forward for action to Approval of resolution.

Resolution Opposing Principles of Critical Race Theory

We won’t reproduce here, the exact same resolution that we published just a few days ago in this article about El Paso County, CO’s District 49. However, it should be noted that the resolution is one of the most important aspects to this entire process. Along with the justification listed above, you will need some form of resolution to submit to your School Board / Board of Education to be added to an upcoming Agenda for discussion / voting. However, while we aren’t reproducing that resolution in this article, we thought it was important that you have a version of a resolution that is readily editable for your own use. Therefore, we decided to create a resolution on Google Drive that you should be able to download and modify to fit your own locality. To access that resolution, PLEASE CLICK HERE. Additionally, if you were not aware, the Paso Robles Joint Unified School District in California recently passed their own resolution banning Critical Race Theory. We created an editable version of that one as well. You can access the Paso Robles resolution by CLICKING HERE.

We have highlighted some of the areas of the resolutions linked to above that you may wish to change out to match your own school district / county / etc. This document should be downloadable. If it is not, please let us know by emailing contact@sanctuarycounties.com.

Getting Your School Board to Vote on Your Resolution

Once you’ve modified a resolution to fit your School Board / District / County Board / etc, you’ll need to get that resolution to your board members in order to get it added to the agenda for debate / public comments / a vote. Drawing from our experience in pursuing Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions in counties across the country, one thing that you can do that will help ensure success when approaching the board is to get your fellow citizens to sign a petition in support of the resolution that you intend to submit.


Having watched numerous county board meetings for Second Amendment Sanctuary resolutions, one thing that often stands out is the sheer number of citizens that are willing to support these resolutions / ordinances. We have routinely seen concerned citizens show up to local board meetings with petitions signed by thousands of county residents. These petitions are easy to print up and bring with you to a board meeting and they serve as a means to put the board on notice that a large portion of the voting populace in your area actually supports the resolution that you are submitting. We actually took the liberty of modifying a template Second Amendment Sanctuary petition from the Gun Owners of America so that it pertains specifically to a resolution / ordinance banning Critical Race Theory. You can access this modified petition by CLICKING HERE.

This is a very simple petition, but it gets the job done. We would recommend that if you are getting all these signatures anyway, you may want to try collecting email addresses of these citizens (ask them to add their name / email to a separate list) so that when another issue comes up that you’d like to get citizens to engage with, you can easily get back in touch with them. In the past we have recommended setting up a facebook group, and that might still work. However, we have found that facebook is all too quick to shut down a facebook group if their censors disagree with the political positions of the people in that group. So you’re better off collecting email addresses if you can.

Getting the resolution / ordinance on the Agenda

As with the Second Amendment Sanctuary Movement, there is a great opportunity here to borrow the methods of our opposition. We were able to succeed by using their local political sanctuary concept in support of our own goals. This being the case, we see no reason to stop stealing their methods as long as they work and result in success. So, in light of this, we decided to “borrow” the playbook from the ACLU for parents who want to engage with their school board. We did you the favor of scrubbing the word “ACLU” from the document, since nobody in their right mind actually wants to read that any more than entirely necessary. You can access this guide for parental school board advocacy by CLICKING HERE.

Whether or not you agree with their politics, these liberals have figured out how to do local political advocacy, so while we may not be used to copying their tactics, these are the same tactics they have used to infect your schools with nonsense in the first place. How fitting then, that you can now use those same methods against them. We didn’t include that document in this article because it is rather long and because we didn’t write it, so it didn’t feel right to include it in the article, but if you click the link above you will find a number of tips that you can use to begin engaging with your school board members and superintendent, as well as information about how to get your resolution added to the agenda for a vote.

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