On February 16, 2021, Brown County, Nebraska Commissioners passed a resolution in support of the Second Amendment. The resolution passed unanimously. The resolution passed with a vote of 2 Ayes and 1 Absent.

Verification Citation/Source: Brown County, NE – County Commissioners
Resolution date passed: 16 Feb 2021
Vote Count: 2 Ayes – 1 Absent

WHEREAS, the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the inalienable and individual right of the people to keep and bear arms; and, 

WHEREAS, the Constitution of the State of Nebraska Article I-1 states that All persons are by nature free and independent, and have certain inherent and inalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the right to keep and bear arms; and, 

WHEREAS, the duly elected members of the Brown County Board of Commissioners have taken an oath to defend and support the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Nebraska; 

NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED this 16th day of February 2021, that the Brown County Board of Commissioners hereby reaffirm our individual oaths to defend and support the United States Constitution and the Constitution. of the State of Nebraska, and do hereby commit to defend the rights and liberties of the people of Brown County to the fullest extent possible under prevailing law; and, 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Brown County Board of Commissioners hereby acknowledges and designates Brown County to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary county.


Brown County Clerk


Raymond H. Small, Chairperson

Denny Bauer, Commissioner

Reagan Wielbelhaus, Commissioner

Brown County Nebraska Page 1

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