Home States Oklahoma Washington County, Oklahoma is a Second Amendment Sanctuary

Washington County, Oklahoma is a Second Amendment Sanctuary


On March 8, 2021, Washington County, Oklahoma Commissioners passed a proclamation declaring the county a Second Amendment Sanctuary. They were joined in a separate declaration by the Washington County Sheriff. If you know the vote count for this proclamation, please let us know by emailing contact@sanctuarycounties.com.

Verification Citation/Source: Washington County, OK – County Commissioners
Resolution date passed: 8 Mar 2021
Vote Count: Unknown.




WHEREAS, The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of our nation. The Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America guarantees individuals have the right to keep and bear arms in a manner that shall not be infringed. 

WHEREAS, The Oklahoma Constitution, Article 2, Section 26 states, “The right of a citizen to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, or property, or in aid of the civil power, when thereunto legally summoned, ‘shall never be prohibited; but nothing herein contained shall prevent the Legislature from regulating the carrying of weapons”. 

WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Washington County Sheriff and the Board of Washington County Commissioners to declare its support of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution and Oklahoma Constitution protecting citizens’ inalienable and individual right to keep and bear arms; 

WHEREAS, the Board of Washington County Commissioners wishes join the Washington County Sheriff in expressing its deep commitment to the rights of all citizens of Washington County, Oklahoma to keep and bear Arms;

WHEREAS, the Washington County Sheriff and the Board of Washington County Commissioners wish to express their intent to stand as a Sanctuary County for-Second Amendment rights; to oppose, within the limits of the Constitution of the United States and the State of Oklahoma, any efforts to unconstitutionally restrict such rights; and to use such legal means at their disposal to protect the right of the citizens to keep and bear arms;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County, Oklahoma: that Washington County is hereby declared to be a “Second Amendment Sanctuary County”. 

BE IT FURTHER.RESOLVED that the Board affirms its support of the Washington County Sheriff in the exercise of his sound discretion of not enforcing against any citizen an unconstitutional firearms law. 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Washington County Government will not authorize or appropriate government funds, resources, employees, agencies, contractors, building, or offices for the purpose of enforcing or assisting in the enforcement of any element of such acts, laws, order, mandates, rules or regulations that infringe upon the right of the people to keep and bear arms as described in the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.


Mike Bouvier, Chairman
Mitch Antle, Vice-Chairman
Mike Dunlap, Member

Annette Smith, Washington County Clerk

Washington County Sheriff’s Office

Declaration of Washington County; Oklahoma As a Second Amendment Sanctuary County

LET IT BE KNOWN that Washington County Sheriff, Scott Owen hereby declares his intent to oppose all infringements on the rights and liberties of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms using such legal means as may be expedient, including without limitation, court action, and 

LET IT BE KNOWN that the Washington County Sheriff hereby expresses his intent that no public funds or personnel will be used in any manner to restrict the Second Amendment rights of the citizens of Washington County, or to aid federal, state, or any municipal agencies in the restriction of said rights, and

LET IT BE KNOWN that Washington County Sheriff Scott Owen hereby declares and affirms Washington County as a “Second Amendment Sanctuary County” on March 8th, 2021.

NOW, THEREFORE LET IT BE KNOWN that the Washington County Sheriff has so declared and affirmed Washington County, Oklahoma as a “Second Amendment Sanctuary County” and will also engage the Washington County Board of Commissioners in respectfully recommending and petitioning their affirmative resolution of unqualified support for this declaration and for SB 631 to declare Oklahoma a Second Amendment Sanctuary State.

Signed under constitutional and legislative authority as the senior law enforcement officer in Washington County, Oklahoma this 8th Day of March 2021.

Scott Owen, Sheriff Washington County

Washington County Oklahoma Page 1

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