On April 5, 2021, Flagler County, Florida Commissioners unanimously passed a resolution in support of our Constitutional Rights.

Verification Citation/Source: Flagler County, FL – County Commissioners
Resolution date passed: 5 Apr 2021
Vote Count: Unanimous.

RESOLUTION 2021 – 29


WHEREAS, the United States of America laid the foundations of its government on a written constitution; and

WHEREAS, that Constitution provided a structure of government designed to prevent the rise of tyranny through a carefully designed system of separation of powers, preventing any one branch of that government from obtaining a dangerous advantage over the States and The People; and

WHEREAS, that Constitution embodies a Bill of Rights protecting citizens’ most cherished liberties, to include Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, the Right to Peacefully Assemble, the Right to Petition the Government for Redress of Grievances, the Right to Bear Arms, the Right to be Secure in Their Property and Possessions, the Right Against Self Incrimination, the Right to Due Process and Fair Trials Before an Impartial Jury, and other essential rights and protections necessary to a free people; and

WHEREAS, that Constitution reserves all powers, not specifically granted to the Federal Government, to the States and The People; and

WHEREAS, since the founding of this country much Blood and Treasure have been expended defending that constitution and the freedoms it supports; and

WHEREAS, the members of this Board and other elected officials of Flagler County have taken a solemn oath to defend that Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

NOW THEREFORE, we do firmly resolve to protect and defend The Constitution of The United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, and to resist any intrusions on the sacred rights protected by that Constitution.

Passed and Adopted this 5th day of April 2021.


Donald T. O’Brien Jr., Chair


Tom Bexley, Clerk of the Circuit
Court & Comptroller

Approved as to Form:
Sean S. Moylan
Assistant County Attorney

Flagler County Florida

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