Home States Tennessee Tennessee is now a Second Amendment Sanctuary State

Tennessee is now a Second Amendment Sanctuary State


On May 26, 2021, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed the “Tennessee Second Amendment Sanctuary Act“. This Act amends Tennessee code to nullify gun control laws that are deemed in violation of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. With the passage of this Act, Tennessee is now a Second Amendment Sanctuary State.


By Campbell


By Hensley

AN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 4; Title 38 and Title 39, relative to the Tennessee Second Amendment Sanctuary Act.


SECTION 1. Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 38, Chapter 3, is amended by adding the following section:

(a) This section is known and may be cited as the “Tennessee Second Amendment Sanctuary Act.”

(b) Pursuant to the sovereign authority of this state:

(1) A law, treaty, executive order, rule, or regulation of the United States government that violates the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution is null, void, and unenforceable in this state.

(2) This state and all political subdivisions of this state are prohibited from using any public funds, personnel, or property to enforce, administer, or cooperate with the enforcement or administration of any law, treaty, executive order, rule, or regulation of the United States government that violates the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.

SECTION 2. This act takes effect upon becoming a law, the public welfare requiring it.

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SB1335 - Tennessee Second Amendment Sanctuary Act

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