Home States Oklahoma Sheriff Declares Pawnee County, OK a Second Amendment Sanctuary

Sheriff Declares Pawnee County, OK a Second Amendment Sanctuary


On February 4, 2020, Sheriff Darrin Varnell declared Pawnee County, Oklahoma to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary. He also stated that he intends to submit a Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution to the Pawnee County Board of Commissioners.

Verification Citation/Source: Pawnee County, OK – Sheriff
Declaration date: 04 Feb 2021

To the people of Pawnee County and the State of Oklahoma:

I, Darrin Varnell, the duly elected and sworn Sheriff of Pawnee County, Oklahoma am joining other Sheriff’s from across our state and nation and declaring Pawnee County to be a Second Amendment Sanctuary. It is my intention, by making this declaration, to enforce our citizen’s rights to bear arms, as guaranteed by the constitution of the United States.

As the Sheriff of Pawnee County, the goal of the Sheriff’s Office will always be to provide service and protection to the people, without infringing upon their god given and constitutional rights, while enforcing the law of our land.

Let it be known, that as the Sheriff of Pawnee County, Oklahoma no person or persons employed by this office shall infringe upon any lawful citizen exercising his or her second amendment rights.

It is the stance of the Pawnee County Sheriff’s Office, that the second amendment of the United States Constitution shall never be infringed upon and therefore as the elected Sheriff and Chief Law Enforcement Officer of Pawnee County, as prescribed by the constitution of the State of Oklahoma, I hereby declare Pawnee County to be a second amendment sanctuary. Furthermore, I declare my intention to present a resolution to the Pawnee County Board of Commissioners for their consideration to declare by resolution the same.

I also declare my full support for Oklahoma Senate Bill 631 authored by Senator Warren Hamilton in the first session of the 58th Oklahoma State Legislature for 2021. If passed into law, Senate Bill 631 would declare the State of Oklahoma a Second Amendment Sanctuary.

Pawnee County Sheriff Second Amendment Sanctuary Declaration

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