Sequoyah County Sheriff Larry Lane joins fellow sheriffs across Oklahoma who have declared their counties to be Second Amendment sanctuaries. In a memo sent to Sequoyah County citizens, the Sheriff announced that as the chief Law Enforcement Officer of the county it was his goal to protect citizens without infringing on their Second Amendment rights.
Verification Citation/Source: Sequoyah County, OK – Sheriff
Declaration date: 26 Jan 2021
To the people of Sequoyah County, Oklahoma
I am joining many other Sheriffs across Oklahoma, who have declared their counties to be Second Amendment sanctuaries. It is my intention, by making this declaration, to enforce our lawful citizens’ rights to bear arms, as guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. The 2nd Amendment clearly outlines citizens can have firearms in their homes for self-defense, so long as they are law-abiding citizens and are not otherwise prohibited to possess firearms. I swore an oath to the constitution and will always stand by that oath.
As Sheriff and chief Law Enforcement officer of Sequoyah County, Oklahoma, it will always be the goal of the Sequoyah County Sheriffs Office to provide service and protection to the people of Sequoyah County, without infringing on their rights to possess firearms to protect themselves and their property.
I am also declaring my support for Senator Warren Hamilton’s Senate Bill 631 of the first session of the 58th Oklahoma Legislature of 2021. If Senator Hamilton’s bill is passed, it will make the entire State of Oklahoma a Second Amendment Sanctuary.
Larry Lane,
Sequoyah County Sheriff