Picture of Atwater California water tower

Thanks to some research from one of our followers, we can now report that on May 15, 2020, the city of Atwater, California passed a resolution declaring their city a Sanctuary City for All Businesses. The resolution (No. 3148-20) passed with 4 Ayes, 0 Noes and 1 Absence.

Verification Citation/Source: Atwater, CA – City Council
Resolution date passed: 15 May 2020
Vote Count: 4 Ayes, 0 Noes, and 1 Absence



WHEREAS, the City of Atwater recognizes that the Constitution of the United States enshrines certain rights of all Americans, including those fundamental liberty interests set forth in the Fourteenth Amendment that prohibit any state from depriving any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; and

WHEREAS, the City of Atwater recognizes that the Declaration of Independence advanced the “inalienable rights” of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the face of tyrannical governmental overreach; and

WHEREAS, each of the City of Atwater duly elected or appointed public servants have sworn to defend and uphold the United States Constitution and the Constitution of the State of California; and

WHEREAS, recent state and county orders have been issued which have deemed certain businesses as “essential” and ordered all other businesses to stay shuddered, closed, forcing them perilously on life support as they fight for their very economic survival and livelihood; and

WHEREAS, the City of Atwater welcomes, honors, and respects the contributions of all businesses, regardless of their size, and regardless of whether or not they have been deemed “essential” by state or county bodies; and

WHEREAS, the City of Atwater’s diverse businesses positively contribute to the economic, cultural, and social fabric of the City; and

WHEREAS, all businesses in the City have not only been a catalyst for the City’s recent economic recovery, but have been the backbone of the City throughout its 98-year history; and

WHEREAS, the City of Atwater’s businesses are socially responsible, and are able and willing to maintain effective social distancing and health protocols to ensure the City remains one of the strongest COVID-19 success stories in California; and

WHEREAS, fostering a relationship of trust, respect, and open communication between City officials and businesses is essential to the City’s mission of delivering effective public services in partnership with the community, thereby advancing a high quality of life for residents; and

WHEREAS, the City of Atwater seeks to foster trust, not fear, between City officials and businesses, while properly allocating limited local resources and encouraging cooperation and open communication, to ensure public safety and due process for all, irrespective of business status; and

WHEREAS, the City of Atwater desires to demonstrate its commitment to its businesses by providing a safe community and by assuring them that, in accordance with federal and state laws and all state licensing authorities, the City will not of its own accord abridge such freedoms and rights; and

WHEREAS, the City of Atwater recognizes the inalienable rights of individuals, as individuals, to earn a living, to employ others or be employed, to provide income for their families, to give back to the community, to treat neighbors with respect and care, and contribute to the overall health and well-being of the community, without the need for undue governmental overreach and coercion.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Atwater does hereby resolve as follows:

SECTION 1: City of Atwater shall not, in accordance with state and federal law, and in order to properly allocate limited local resources and optimize cooperation and communication to ensure public safety and due process for all, irrespective of business status, actively join forces with other agencies solely for the purpose of enforcing state or county COVID-19 orders; and

SECTION 2: City of Atwater shall not, in accordance with state and federal law, take any direct action against any businesses or individuals based solely on their actual or perceived business status; and

SECTION 3: The City of Atwater recognizes that state and county authorities directly license, permit, and regulate some businesses within the City and nothing in this Resolution is intended to abridge such authorities from overseeing applicable license regulations and restraints on such City businesses; and

SECTION 4: Subject to the foregoing, the City of Atwater hereby declares that it is a Sanctuary City for All Businesses.

The foregoing resolution is hereby adopted this 15th day of May 2020.

AYES: Vierra, Raymond, Cale, Creighton
NOES: None
ABSENT: Ambriz

Atwater Resolution No. 3148-20 - pg 1

Atwater Resolution No. 3148-20 - pg 2
Atwater Resolution No. 3148-20 - pg 3