Picture shows coronavirus and text that reads,
Will your city or county leaders ever fight back against COVID lockdowns?

In an effort to raise awareness of the fact that not all municipalities have meekly bowed down to their gubernatorial overlords in the wake of the pandemic, please review this list of counties (or county equivalents) and cities that have passed resolutions or ordinances in opposition to their state’s draconian lockdowns. When you review this list, ask yourself if your city or county has done anything even approaching this. If not, then you should ask your city or county board why they refuse to support their citizens the way that these folks did. Now you know that this is a possibility. It’s up to you to make it happen. Hold these city and county boards accountable.

  1. COVID-19 Sanctuary City – Monument City, Colorado
    1. https://thecoloradoherald.com/2021/monument-becomes-covid-19-sanctuary-city/
  2. Sanctuary County from Business Restrictions – Delta County Michigan
    1. https://www.radioresultsnetwork.com/2021/01/12/delta-county-declares-sanctuary-county-from-restrictons/
  3. COVID-19 Sanctuary County – Baraga County, Michigan
    1. It should be noted that they did not actually call themselves a COVID-19 county, but just declared that they are not going to uphold COVID restrictions.
    2. https://upnorthlive.com/news/local/up-county-refuses-to-uphold-covid-19-epidemic-order
  4. Vaccine Mandate Sanctuary – Kenai Peninsula Borough, Alaska
    1. I want to note that they did not call themselves a Vaccine Mandate Sanctuary. They simply passed a resolution to allow their citizens to make the choice as to whether they would take the covid vaccine.
    2. http://sanctuarycounties.com/2020/12/26/did-kenai-peninsula-borough-alaska-become-a-vaccine-mandate-sanctuary/
  5. Constitutional Rights Sanctuary – Kosciuto County, Indiana
    1. The county attorney actually contacted me to let me know that he used my site to help craft his county’s resolution and ordinance. They basically passed a resolution, and then an ordinance that accepted all the whereas clauses of the resolution. One interesting thing that they did in this county (I spoke to the county attorney on the phone) was pledge to review all previously passed ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, policies, etc to ensure none of them conflict with the Constitution. I haven’t seen any other county go this far.
    2. http://sanctuarycounties.com/2020/12/22/kosciusko-county-indiana-is-now-a-constitutional-rights-sanctuary/
  6. Sanctuary City for Business – Stockton, California
    1. Stockton business owners are calling on their city government to become a sanctuary for business. They have not succeeded yet, to my knowledge. I wanted to include it in this list to hopefully shed some light on their efforts.
    2. http://sanctuarycounties.com/2020/12/08/will-stockton-california-become-a-sanctuary-city-for-business/
  7. First Amendment Sanctuary – Campbell County, Virginia
    1. This is the first 1st Amendment Sanctuary in Virginia. This was passed in response to Governor Ralph Northam’s latest covid restrictions.
    2. http://sanctuarycounties.com/2020/12/07/campbell-county-va-becomes-a-first-amendment-sanctuary/
  8. Health Mandate Sanctuary – Morrill County, Nebraska
    1. I contacted them on the phone and the head commissioner (not sure if that is the official title) told me that they just wanted to trust their citizens to do the right thing. By the way, they did not call themselves a Health Mandate Sanctuary. If they don’t have an official name for these, I just make them up. The key in this resolution is that they “encourage the public to make appropriate virus-related healthcare decisions for themselves and their families”
    2. http://sanctuarycounties.com/2020/10/26/want-a-simple-way-to-fight-failed-face-mask-policies-try-a-health-mandate-sanctuary-resolution/
  9. Sanctuary for All Businesses – Eastland County, Texas
    1. Key takeaway from this county: A quote, “I want to remind you that you took an oath to the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of the state of Texas, not the Governor of Texas.” This was from public comments. I have a snippet of video where a woman reminds the county board what they swore an oath to.
    2. http://sanctuarycounties.com/2020/10/12/how-to-turn-your-second-amendment-sanctuary-into-a-business-sanctuary/
  10. Constitutional Rights Sanctuary – Dodge County, Wisconsin
    1. I spoke to Tim Dake of Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty (we actually chat frequently) and Dodge County really wanted to expand beyond just the 2A Sanctuary because they were very upset about the restrictions on our liberties. I think there are 2 or 3 counties in Wisconsin that have gone the Constitutional Rights route instead of just 2A. BTW, the entire Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty organization (including main page and county-level pages) was banned from Facebook with no warning.
    2. “BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Dodge County Board of Supervisors shall at all times uphold its duty to honor and respect the rights of the citizenry and shall zealously protect the fundamental liberties and freedoms “We the People” hold dear and sacred and challenge all those who would seek to infringe upon the rights of the people.”
    3. http://sanctuarycounties.com/2020/08/18/dodge-county-advocates-the-constitutional-rights-of-its-citizens/
  11. Constitutional Rights Sanctuary – Mille Lacs County, Minnesota
    1. Originally submitted as a 2A resolution, but later expanded to encompass the entire Constitution
    2. http://sanctuarycounties.com/2020/08/18/mille-lacs-county-mn-board-passes-a-constitutional-rights-resolution/
    3. There were a few iffy clauses in this one…
  12. Constitutional Rights Sanctuary – Washington County, Wisconsin
    1. Key takeaway (I have video from this) “From the discussion, it appeared that the board really did take this resolution seriously. The supervisors discussed the fact that the resolution originally centered on the Second Amendment, but then the Chinese Coronavirus came along and people in government started restricting the rights of the people. They felt that it was necessary to expand the scope of this resolution to encompass more than just the Second Amendment because it wasn’t just the Second Amendment that was being trampled upon.”
    2. http://sanctuarycounties.com/2020/07/08/washington-county-wi-passes-a-constitutional-rights-resolution/
  13. Constitutional Sanctuary County – Marquette County, Wisconsin
    1. WHEREAS, it is desirable to declare that Marquette County is a Constitutional Sanctuary County, where all constitutional rights and protections are valued and defended, and the County opposes any legislation that would infringe upon any constitutional right or protection afforded the people of Marquette County.
    2. http://sanctuarycounties.com/2020/05/27/marquette-county-wi-declares-a-constitutional-sanctuary-county/
  14. Constitutional Oath Reaffirmation – Allen County, Ohio
    1. This one is not ideal, they basically just reaffirmed their oath. However, it does mention the Constitution, so I figured I’d include it:
    2. http://sanctuarycounties.com/2020/03/19/allen-county-oh-release-proclamation-reaffirming-oath/
  15. Sanctuary for the Church – San Louis Obispo County, California
    2. https://www.trunews.com/stream/california-da-refuses-to-prosecute-those-who-go-to-church
  16. Sanctuary for Business – Atwater City, California
    1. California town declares self a ‘sanctuary city for business’ amid coronavirus
    2. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-06-04/coronavirus-sanctuary-city-atwater
  17. Sanctuary County for All Businesses – Hood County, Texas
    1. Hood County Declares Itself “Sanctuary County for All Businesses”
    2. https://thetexan.news/hood-county-declares-itself-sanctuary-county-for-all-businesses/
  18. Sanctuary County for Businesses – Stephens County, Texas
    1. Stephens County Allows Businesses to Open at Maximum Capacity, Following Eastland County
    2. https://thetexan.news/stephens-county-allows-businesses-to-open-at-maximum-capacity-following-eastland-county/

If you are aware of any cities or counties that I have not included on this list, please email them to contact@sanctuarycounties.com. I’ll need at least a link to a county website or a news article to verify.