Home States Oklahoma Delaware Co, OK Sheriff declares Second Amendment Sanctuary

Delaware Co, OK Sheriff declares Second Amendment Sanctuary


Did you know that a Sheriff could declare your county a Second Amendment Sanctuary? That’s exactly what the Sheriff of Delaware County, Oklahoma did on December 7, 2020. Typically we see a county board of commissioners declare a county a Second Amendment Sanctuary, but given the fact that it’s typically the Sheriff’s Office that will decide what they will and won’t enforce, your local Sheriff can effectively take this upon him or herself if they wish.

As reported on Grand Lake News, “Interim Delaware County Sheriff Mike Wilkerson announced that he has declared Delaware County as a Second Amendment Sanctuary County.” They also mention that the new Sheriff, Mark Berry supports this as well.

Sheriff Wilkerson’s resolution states:

Let It Be Known that the Delaware County Sheriff declares his intent to oppose any and all infringements on the rights and liberties of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms, using such legal means as may be expedient including, without limitation, court action and

Let It Be Known that the Delaware County Sheriff hereby expresses his intent that no public funds will be used in any matter to restrict the Second Amendment rights of the citizens of Delaware County, or to federal, state of any municipal agencies in the restriction of said rights and

Let It Be Known the undersigned Delaware County Sheriff hereby declares Delaware County as a Second Amendment Sanctuary County on December 7th, 2020.

Now, therefore, Let It Be Known that while the Delaware County Sheriff has so declared Delaware County, Oklahoma a Second Amendment Sanctuary County and also engages the Delaware County Board of Commissioners in respectfully recommending and petitioning their affirmative resolution of unqualified support for this declaration.

If anyone has a copy of this resolution, please consider sending it to us at contact@sanctuarycounties.com.

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