Home Map Updates State Maps Wisconsin 2A Sanctuary Counties Map Update – 11-12-2020

Wisconsin 2A Sanctuary Counties Map Update – 11-12-2020

Wisconsin Second Amendment Sanctuary Map
Latest Wisconsin 2A Sanctuary Map.

We recently received an update from the Wisconsin Grandsons of Liberty with their latest Second Amendment Sanctuary Map. They provided us with the following information regarding the progress of the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement in the state of Wisconsin:

“The effort in Wisconsin has slowed with the spread of the Covid virus as county boards have been meeting virtually. Such meetings make it difficult for the public to participate and especially to demonstrate the large public support for the resolutions. The many teams working in approximately 40 counties at present have taken a posture of building local support while waiting for the county boards to return to in-person meetings. Additionally, there has been an increase in the resistance to the measures by anti-gun groups who have begun to participate in the meetings”

Wisconsin GrandSons of Liberty

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