Home Map Updates Kansas Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties Map – August 16, 2020

Kansas Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties Map – August 16, 2020

Kansas 2A Sanctuary Counties Map
Kansas 2A Sanctuary Counties Map
Kansas 2A Sanctuary Counties Map

Kansas 2A Sanctuary Counties Map Update

This map shows all of the counties in the state of Kansas that have passed resolutions in support of the Second Amendment. If you know of any counties that are not represented in green on this map but have actually passed a Second Amendment Sanctuary (or similar, i.e. “Constitutional Sanctuary,” “Bill of Rights Sanctuary,” etc) resolution, then please reach out to us at contact@sanctuarycounties.com and let us know and we’ll get that updated for our next national and Kansas 2A Sanctuary Counties state map updates.

Kansas Sanctuary Counties List

If you would like to see a list of all of the counties that have passed resolutions in support of the Second Amendment, you can check out our Kansas category page here on the site: http://sanctuarycounties.com/category/states/kansas/. On this page, you can always find the most up to date list of counties in Kansas that have passed Second Amendment resolutions. I will note that the list is rather short for Kansas because action was taken at the state level in this state so all counties are covered. So far only one county has passed a resolution at the local level.

High Resolution Kansas 2A Sanctuary Map

To keep page load speeds fast, we try to use high quality, but low file size graphics here on the site. However, if you’d like a high-resolution version of our Kansas 2A Sanctuary Counties Map, we have one in a shared Google Drive folder. You can download it here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LV8YtBliI4ziMwEEa1yd-CuMfGz0Yn06?usp=sharing.

National Second Amendment Sanctuary Map

Here is a link to our latest National 2A Sanctuary Counties Map.

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