People gather during a press conference on Monday, May 11, 2020 at Karl Manke's Beauty & Barber Shop in Owosso. (Sarahbeth Maney | photo original article-Sarahbeth Maney

A gathering at a small Michigan business sparked an event for essential care for many. An Owosso, Michigan barber Karl Manke openly defied orders and opened his shop a couple of weeks ago.

The owner in another business did the same, out of concern about going out of business.
A protest is planned for today; Wednesday, May 20th from noon to 3 pm

The location is outside of the capitol in Lansing, Michigan. The organizing group calls for those planning to participate to strictly adhere to social distancing guidelines, and have face coverings. Volunteer barbers will “have chairs and safe equipment to provide for basic haircuts,” according to the organizers’ press release.

The organizers say that business owners are NOT being given the respect or the opportunity to prove that they can safely conduct their businesses. Join them in Lansing, Michigan today; Wednesday, May 20th, and get a free haircut and then help to get Michigan back to work again!