Home Stories Second Amendment Stories – 04MAY2020

Second Amendment Stories – 04MAY2020

Second Amendment Stories - Picture of a gun, with bullets and the Constitution

Here are some of the Second Amendment stories that we have shared on our social media channels recently. If you don’t follow us or you just missed a few, here is your chance to catch up.

Corps Proposes Rule to Remove Federal Infringements on Second Amendment

For decades, the Corps of Engineers (COE) has infringed on the Second Amendment rights of people in the United States, by limiting the bearing of arms on Corps managed lands and waters. In the last decade, lawsuits have challenged these infringements. The Corps lost one, appealed, and appealed another. After the election of President Trump, the Corps agreed to settle the lawsuits in March of 2017. The proposed rule simply aligns the Corps of Engineers rules with existing law on other government-managed lands and waters. https://www.ammoland.com/2020/04/corps-proposes-rule-to-remove-federal-infringements-on-second-amendment/#axzz6KjQC1BCW

Virginia Democrats Complete Their Shredding of the Second Amendment

“Gun control activists from coast to coast are cheering Virginia Democrats who have accomplished what most of them achieve only in their dreams….The Virginia GOP better get its act together and listen to its members. Otherwise, it will be a long road back from the wilderness.” https://pjmedia.com/trending/virginia-democrats-complete-their-shredding-of-the-second-amendment/

‘consider just the first policy: abolishing the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act passed in 2005 that keeps gun makers from being held liable for crimes committed when a criminal uses one of their products.

All by itself, this would invite a flood of lawsuits that would ultimately bankrupt those gun manufacturers.

Under Biden, Gun Ownership Would Be a “Heavily Regulated Privilege”

President Biden would ban the manufacture, sale, purchase, and possession of any semi-automatic firearm (which he broadly declares to be “assault weapons”). And he would work to declare such presently owned firearms to be covered under the National Firearms Act, passed in 1934, which at present is limited to machine guns and certain other short-barreled firearms.’ https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/constitution/item/35531-president-joe-biden-would-turn-second-amendment-right-into-a-heavily-regulated-privilege

VCDL, SafeSide file lawsuit to open indoor shooting ranges, judge decision coming Monday

Attorney General Mark Herring announced Thursday that the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Gun Owners of America, SafeSide Tactical in Lynchburg, and the Association of Virginia Gun Ranges filed a lawsuit challenging Gov. Northam’s Executive Order.

Groups of 10 or more are banned from gathering and cannot be within six feet of another due to Executive Order 53 until May 8 and Executive Order 55, which directs Virginians to stay at home through June 10.

Herring said the plaintiffs seek an injunction that would overturn the Governor’s Order and allow shooting ranges to remain open and operating.

Shooting ranges are listed in the ‘entertainment’ category of the Executive Order. https://wset.com/news/local/vcdl-safeside-file-lawsuit-to-open-indoor-shooting-ranges-hearing-friday-in-lynchburg

‘I have two leaders, God and Trump’: Massachusetts gun shop vows to remain open despite cease-and-desist order amid coronavirus closures

Claiming he only answers to God and President Donald Trump, a gun store owner in Middleborough is refusing to comply with Gov. Charlie Baker’s order to close amid the coronavirus outbreak.

John Costa, owner of The Gunrunner, said the store will remain open and that the state will have to “drag” him out of his location on Wareham Street if they want to close it.

“That guy is an idiot. He’s a liar. He’s a RINO [Republican In Name Only],” said Costa, who spoke with MassLive for a brief interview before hanging up. “And I’ll tell you something right now, the attorney general has her hand so far up his butt that she can actually move his mouth. So no, I will not comply to this insane socialist governor. And that’s why I won’t close.” https://www.masslive.com/boston/2020/04/i-have-two-leaders-god-and-trump-massachusetts-gun-shop-vows-to-remain-open-despite-cease-and-desist-order-amid-coronavirus-closures.html

3 Worst States Pushing Gun Control During National Emergency

There are a lot of States pushing gun control during this national emergency however there are 3 that stand above all others. ‘Dailys 2A News’ breaks them down. Hawaii Virginia California

Judge rules Virginia gun range can open amid virus closures

A Virginia gun range must be allowed to open to customers despite a statewide executive order requiring nonessential businesses to close to slow the spread of the coronavirus, a judge ruled Monday.

The order issued by Lynchburg Circuit Judge F. Patrick Yeatts says federal and state protections on the right to bear arms outweigh any emergency authority held by Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam to order the gun range closed. https://www.richmond.com/news/virginia/judge-rules-virginia-gun-range-can-open-amid-virus-closures/article_777625f1-5f26-5bb7-a6dc-b92cf8501586.html#utm_campaign=blox&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social

Below The Radar: H Res 702

‘She starts off by saying she wants to reduce “gun violence” by “regulating manufacturers.” Of course, she’s trying to convince people gun manufacturers aren’t regulated with that line. The many federal, state, and local laws that are in force (see the NRA-ILA summaries) say otherwise.

Pressley goes further, to also call for “limiting firearm production and sales, including a permanent ban on assault-type weapons.” Now, we have discussed the injustice of these bans on multiple occasions, notably with schemes like those put forth by Elizabeth Warren, Beto O’Rourke, and Eric Swalwell.

Representative Pressley isn’t done, though. She also calls for “a mass gun buyback program.” Now, she doesn’t say whether or not it is mandatory, which Beto O’Rourke (now Joe Biden’s “gun czar”) was calling for in the wake of the El Paso mass shooting, but the word “mass” indicates she wants to take a lot of guns away.’. https://www.ammoland.com/2020/04/below-the-radar-h-res-702/#axzz6KrFg1QXr

Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties Updated Map for April 27, 2020

National Sanctuary County Map Update 4-27-2020 Second Amendment Sanctuaries are More Important Than Ever The Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties movement could not be stopped by a mere global pandemic. County government meetings were delayed somewhat due to social distancing measures, but progress eventually resumed. Virtual meetings took the place of in-person meetings and resolutions were proposed and passed. As we find ways to adapt and meet the challenges imposed upon our nation by this virus, many governors (and other politicians at every level) have taken the opportunity to enforce all manner of draconian “gun control” measures.

10 Second Amendment Cases Before The US Supreme Court This Friday, May 1st.

Jared over at Guns & Gadgets give you the breakdown on what is included in the upcoming cases presented to the Supreme Court so quickly after the dismissal of the NY case earlier this week. Below we have provided you with links to Scotusblog which goes into further depth on each case. Docket 19-704 Wilson v. Cook – Cook County Illinois – Assault Weapon and Magazine Ban… [ 347 more words ]

Frank Miniter: 2nd Amendment not ‘moot’ — this is what Supreme Court got wrong on NYC gun law

Anyone who cherishes their freedom must be shaking their fists at the U.S. Supreme Court right now for ruling Monday that New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. New York City is “moot.”

This was the first significant Second Amendment case the high court had heard in a decade. Instead of handing down a ruling, a majority of justices took the dodge New York City’s lawyers offered them: They declared that the gun-control laws in question had already been changed by the city and state of New York, and therefore the challenge is made irrelevant. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2nd-amendment-supreme-court-ny-gun-law-moot-frank-miniter

If ever there were a case-in-point to show the importance of the Second Amendment, it is found in watching Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Friday announcement of a ban on 1,500 different firearms.

Hawkins: Canada’s Gun Ban Shows What Happens Without a 2nd Amendment

Gone, just like that. Outlawed, with the swipe of a pen.

One day the guns are legal, the next they are prohibited and those who own them are tasked with handing them over to police or else. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/02/hawkins-canadas-gun-ban-shows-what-happens-without-a-2nd-amendment/

California Counties Plan Reopening in Defiance of Governor

Lots of Americans are starting to realize that they have county governments. In a way, our Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties movement paved the way for county governments to grow some balls and tell these states to piss off…https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bronsonstocking/2020/05/02/california-counties-plan-reopening-in-defiance-of-governor-n2568066?amp=true&__twitter_impression=true

On Guns, Joe Biden Is Full Of It

Joe Biden’s plan? See what Trudeau did in Canada…

“As with so many anti-gun politicians, when Biden claims to support the Second Amendment, he is not being honest… By offering Beto a role on guns in a potential future administration, Biden has made clear that he supports Beto’s gun-control position. That position is gun confiscation…” https://www.americas1stfreedom.org/articles/2020/5/2/on-guns-joe-biden-is-full-of-it/

Massachusetts: NRA Joins Amicus Brief on Gun Shop Closures

This week, NRA joined the Gun Owners’ Action League and filed an Amicus Brief in support of federal court action taken in response to Gov. Baker’s decision to close gun shops in Massachusetts.

Governor Baker’s administration has used the COVID-19 pandemic as a means to brazenly threaten our Second Amendment rights. On March 23rd, Gov.Baker issued COVID-19 Order. No. 13 which failed to designate gun shops as “Essential Businesses.” On March 31st, Gov. Baker issued COVID-19 Order No. 21, which designated gun shops as “Essential Businesses.” This reversal was forced by a decision from the Trump Administration – through the Department of Homeland Security – that firearm and ammunition dealers, shooting ranges, and manufacturers are part of the nation’s critical infrastructure and should not be shut down.

However, late afternoon on March 31st, after gun rights advocates praised the decision, the Baker Administration removed firearm retailers and shooting ranges, once again, from the list of essential businesses. Gov. Baker’s closure of firearm retailers effectively bans firearms sales to law-abiding Massachusetts residents. https://www.ammoland.com/2020/05/massachusetts-nra-joins-amicus-brief-on-gun-shop-closures/#axzz6LOPchUCl

New Mexico governor to allow firearm retailers to reopen

After a legal challenge before federal courts, firearm retailers across New Mexico will be able to resume sales early in May as the state continues with plans to reopen amid the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a Democrat, made the announcement amid other actions to begin economic recovery.

“Federally licensed firearm retailers may open by appointment only as needed conduct background checks and to allow individuals to take possession of firearms ordered online,” Grisham’s office said in a statement on Thursday. https://www.thecentersquare.com/new_mexico/new-mexico-governor-to-allow-firearm-retailers-to-reopen/article_c56daa66-8bda-11ea-b486-4bae477f84ec.html

The Right’s Gun Routine Falls Flat During the Pandemic

NEW NARRATIVE ALERT: Apparently now anyone who dares to not wear a mask while exercising their Second Amendment rights is a political terrorist…

“But the implicit threat of bringing weapons of war and mass murder into any legislative center fits the definition of political terrorism. Both because of their guns and their disregard for their safety protocols of the pandemic, the Michigan militia men forced the public and legislators alike to choose between physical safety and political agency.” https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/michigan-whitmer-armed-coronavirus-demonstration-993082/

The Second Amendment Day of Reckoning Is About to Dawn

The ballyhoo over the U.S. Supreme Court’s tiptoe around a Second Amendment decision this week might be a gun control celebration a little too soon. https://www.nationalreview.com/bench-memos/second-amendment-day-of-reckoning-is-about-to-dawn/

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