At a recent GOP meeting in Spotsylvania, Virginia; I had the opportunity to ask Nick Freitas how he plans to make sure that those people who have participated in the Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties movement actually go out and vote in the next election.
Mr. Freitas is currently running as a candidate for Virginia’s 7th District, hoping to unseat Abigail Spanberger. Nick is no stranger to this movement, either. From county board of supervisors meetings to Lobby Day in Richmond, Virginia; Nick has become a strong voice in support of our Second Amendment. For more information about Nick, or to get involved with his campaign, please visit his website:
When asked about how he intends to ensure that Sanctuary County supporters make it to the ballot box, this was his response:
So, that’s a great question. So, not only was I very supportive of the 2A Sanctuary Movement here in Virginia, but I actually work with an organization called the Hazlitt Coalition, which has 90 state legislators which are very like-minded all across the country. I was taking our resolutions here and I was sending them over to them, and that’s when it started going in Texas, and Oklahoma and Wyoming.
These were guys that I know and I’ve been working with for several years now. So that was a big part of it was about understanding that whatever is going on in Virginia right now, that is a microcosm of what Democrats are trying to do across the country. And the time to fight it is now; it’s not when it gets to your state. So, I was very happy to work with those people in order to do that. But, then we had to follow up with it.
So, what I was telling them we’ve been doing here in Virginia, is we don’t just show up to one of these Second Amendment rallies, give a nice speech and then leave. We ask the question, “How many of you are registered to vote?” And if they are not registered, we give them the tools that they need in order to get registered. How many of you are involved with your local committee? It’s one of the things that I always talk about when I go to a group because I have been asked this now more than ever. How can we have an effect? The first question I ask, “Are you involved with your local committee?”
Because the bottom line is that if you’re a conservative, our priorities generally go like this: God, family, country, work, politics. And the only reason that we do politics is to keep the government out of God, family, country and work. So when we actually use our time, right, which is time that can’t be used for our family, can’t be used for our country, can’t be used for our work, and we’re willing to dedicate that to politics, we want it to be as effective as possible. And getting plugged in with the local organization that can help you out, that can help you have the most influence possible within the sphere that you control and that you understand and that you know, that is how you maximize the effect of everything that you do.
So we’ve worked a lot in order to make sure that people are getting plugged in with organizations that support the things that they care about, whether it’s VCDL, Gun Owners of America, NRA; and also getting pulled into larger organizations that can help with the overall tracking the bills that they care about; because the more energized we can keep, with people; for instance, there’s a lot of people that said, “HB961, the House Assault Weapons Bill is dead,” no it isn’t… It got carried over to next year. And you know what, if that’s the way they want to play it, good; because I am going to remind my constituents, I’m going to remind all of you every single opportunity I get, “guess what’s coming back next year.” Because the more motivated you can keep people on the issues that are important to them, the more likely they are to be involved in an effective way.