Home States Georgia Johnson County, GA passes resolution to support the Second Amendment

Johnson County, GA passes resolution to support the Second Amendment


By: Noah Davis
9 Mar 2020

In a unanimous, 5-0 vote, Johnson County, Georgia passed a resolution to support the Second Amendment. In a packed board room, with a petition signed by 900 residents, United States Marine Corps Veteran and Johnson County resident, Julian Thigpin was among those who spoke in support of the resolution stating that it was necessary to prevent unconstitutional red flag laws and other issues from impacting Johnson County residents. His efforts along with those of other patriots helped drive this effort to succeed.

While the resolution does not contain language regarding restricting the use of county funds or resources from being used to enforce such unconstitutional laws, it does point to specific house and senate bills which are considered unnecessary infringements. We have been informed that that language was intended to be in the resolution, but it was not allowed into the final version.

Verification Citation/Source: Johnson County Board of Commissioners
Resolution date passed: 9 Mar 2020
Vote Count: 5-0

Johnson County resolution of support for the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution Page 1.



WHEREAS, Johnson County Georgia is home to a people who are free and in whom is vested the freedoms and liberties guaranteed unto them as well as all other Americans under the founding documents of the United States of America;

WHEREAS, the United States Constitution, including its amendments, is the final and ultimate authority by which this Nation, as well as all States, are bound with no authority being higher than said document,

WHEREAS, the United States Constitution allows all citizens to enjoy in and about his or her home, with his or her personal effects and with his or her lawful daily affairs, a sanctuary of rights which shall not be infringed by the overreach of government and any others who would seek to subvert, limit or compromise freedoms and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution;

WHEREAS, the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution is plain and unambiguous in its guarantee that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed by any governmental entity or subdivision or instrumentality thereof;

WHEREAS, the Johnson County Board of Commissioners unequivocally supports the rights guaranteed to its citizens pursuant to the United States Constitution and particularly those declared in the Second Amendment thereof as well as all freedoms and liberties granted by the Constitution of the State of Georgia which also explicitly provides the right to keep and bear arms as codified under §1-2-6(a)(9) of the Official Code of Georgia Annotated;

WHEREAS, the Johnson County Board of Commissioners voices its opposition to House Bill 435, a bill which would fail to provide basic due process under law and Senate Bill 261, which would seek to ban semi-automatic weapons and hereby declares that these bills and others like them constitute unnecessary infringements of the peoples’ rights under the United States Constitution;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the Johnson County Board of Commissioners reaffirms its unyielding support of the United States Constitution and all of its amendments and particularly the Second Amendment thereof, and the Constitution of the State of Georgia and declares Its opposition to any unlawful infringement of said rights. and,

IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to each legislator serving Johnson County, Georgia.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Resolution has been duly adopted by the Johnson County Board of Commissioners of Johnson County, Georgia on the 9th day of March, 2020.

SO RESOLVED, this 9th day of March, 2020.

Johnson County Board of Commissioners:

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