Home Events CONVOY to NH State House To Support NHWDL’s Rally

CONVOY to NH State House To Support NHWDL’s Rally

Meet AtHometown Diner, 1421 NH-119, Rindge, New Hampshire 03461
Time Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 8 AM – 10 AM

Come and grab breakfast, a coffee, bathroom break, and meet and greet to begin a convoy to the New Hampshire State House 03/14/2020. This location is approximately an hour and 15 mins out from the destination and we are figuring 2 hours to get to the House, gear up, and find parking.

Come show your support for the 6th annual gun rights rally hosted by the New Hampshire Women’s Defense League at the state house! Battle rattle is as always welcomed BUT please be advised we are asked that chambers be empty and muzzles down at all times.

Last year’s attendance was 1,000 Patriots, let’s double that this year. This is NO TIME for complacency in NH with the anti’s at our heels.

***The actual rally times are 12 noon to 1400+ ***

Convoy Event Meet: https://www.facebook.com/events/201650541013544/

Actual Rally Event: http://sanctuarycounties.com/?p=4270&preview=true&_thumbnail_id=4271

Photo: Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire

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