Home Events 6th Annual 2A Rally – Hold The Line

6th Annual 2A Rally – Hold The Line


Hosted by Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire

The Women’s Defense League of New Hampshire is hosting an event.
“6th Annual 2A Rally – Hold The Line”. Held on Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 12 noon-2 pm. New Hampshire State House in Concord, New Hampshire.

EVERY 2A supporter needs to show up. Hold the NH Legislature ACCOUNTABLE in November 2020. Just look at the legislation happening in Virginia. If you don’t want the same thing coming to New Hampshire, then the Governor needs to know you expect him to, HOLD THE LINE on all of this destructive gun control.

2020 Elections will be impacted by state level gun restrictions. Many events across the US will have effects. This will make the case that the 2A movement will stay at the forefront. One of the biggest issues driving voters to the polls.

Democrats at the state level, all over America will see. They should think long and hard about how their overreach on Second Amendment issues will affect their reelection campaigns.

Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 12 PM – 2 PM
New Hampshire State House in Concord, New Hampshire


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