Second Amendment Rally in Tennessee Tuesday, March 10th, 2020


10:00 amOld Supreme Court Chambers in the state capitol (a gun-free zone)

The 2nd Amendment Rally at the Tennessee Legislature is set for Tuesday, March 10, 2020. It will start by 9:00 am in the old Supreme Court Chambers in the state capitol (a gun-free zone). [NOTE: If weather permits and attendance calls for it, this portion of the event may be moved outside to capitol grounds on the morning of the event!] During this time, there will be guest legislators and speakers to address those in attendance.

Following that meeting, the rally participants are expected to move into the Legislature’s office building (the Cordell Hull building at 425 5th Ave N, Nashville, TN 37243). During this time, we are asking that groups of Rally attendees circulate and speak with Legislators and staff about passing constitutional carry (with an option permit) this year in Tennessee, eliminating gun-free zones, repealing the “concealed only permit”, etc.

It is critical that you call in advance of March 10 to schedule an appointment that day with your individual legislators. You can get their names and office numbers on the legislature’s website which has a “lookup” tool based on your street address.

NOTICE!!!! By the decision of Bill Lee, guns are prohibited in the capitol – no exceptions! By decision of the Legislature, handgun permit holders are allowed to carry concealed only in their offices in the Cordell Hull building. Since part of the Rally will be in the capital, permit holders who are in possession of their handguns will not be able to participate in the meeting in the capitol (you can call in advance and complain to Bill Lee).

GOA has set up an Eventbrite page in an effort to gauge the level of attendance in advance of the Rally. Please sign up