Home States Florida Baker County FL, passes “Second Amendment Sanctuary” resolution

Baker County FL, passes “Second Amendment Sanctuary” resolution


By: David Tripp
18 Feb 2020

On the 18th of Feb Sara Little brought to the committee a copy of the Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution 2020-04. After discussion by the board members and open public comment by a single area resident. the board brought it up for a vote and passed it Unanimously.

Verification Citation/Source: Baker County Board of Commissioners
Resolution date passed: 18 Feb 2020
Media: audio of meeting
Vote Count: Unanimous

At 12:03 The agenda Item Resolution 2020-04 was brought forth
At 14:45 Motion was brought forth to read the resolution it was seconded and passed
At 15:01 The resolution was read
At 15:20 was open to public comment
At 18:40 A motion to adopt was presented, and seconded, A vote was then made and passed Unanimously

18 Feb 2020 Baker County Florida Board of County Commissioners Regular Meeting

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