Home States West Virginia Tucker County WV, Passes Resolution to Support Second Amendment

Tucker County WV, Passes Resolution to Support Second Amendment


By Heather Clower – The Parsons Advocate
Resolution passed 17 Feb 2020

There were few seats remaining as the Tucker County Commission President Lowell Moore called the meeting to order.  With such a large crowd present for specific agenda items, Moore went slightly out of order to allow the audience the option to leave after the main topic of the Second Amendment was discussed.  Reverend Kevin Keplinger asked for the blessing over the meeting followed by The Pledge of Allegiance.            First order of business however was to approve the previous meeting minutes, which was done so by a motion from Commissioner Fred Davis.  Moore read the resolution stating, “Now, thereby it be and is hereby resolved that the Tucker County Commission does hereby express its support of the Second Amendment to the United States constitution and urge that it continue to protect at the local, state, and national level.”  Upon completion of the resolution being read, the crowd erupted in applause.  Moore asked for any objections or corrections, and being none, made a motion to accept that resolution with Commissioners Fred Davis and Jon Bush in full support.            Jim Summerfield thanked the commissioners for their support but had a question about what would happen when newly elected commissioners come in and if they can abolish the resolution just voted in.  Moore was unsure how to legally answer that question, but felt it would be difficult to change and ensured everyone understood this was not an ordinance, but rather a resolution which is in support of something.  “I assure it won’t be changed under any of our watch,” Moore assured.            Lynette Helmick asked if this resolution made Tucker County a sanctuary as other counties have claimed.  He explained the Tucker County Commission supports the Second Amendment, but chose to leave out the word “sanctuary” due to legality issues.  Helmick asked if this resolution could be made into an ordinance, though without the topic going to public vote it cannot. Several other individuals had signed up to speak, however in lieu of the passing of the resolution no one felt the need to do so.  However, being protected by the state and national constitution, this should not become an issue.  Moore thanked everyone for taking an interest in this topic, stating, “I think it’s very important for Tucker County and West Virginia, we appreciate you showing up and showing support.”

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