Home States Oklahoma Atoka, Pushmataha, McCurtain Counties OK, listed as ‘Second Amendment sanctuaries’

Atoka, Pushmataha, McCurtain Counties OK, listed as ‘Second Amendment sanctuaries’


By Baylee Bates, KTEN News
17 Feb 2020

GUTHRIE, Okla.  (KFOR) — It started in Virginia, where counties adopted rules to become “Second Amendment sanctuaries,” pledging to prohibit gun control measures.

Now officials in some Texoma counties want to get on board. Sheriff’s offices in Pittsburg, McCurtain, Atoka, Bryan, Coal and Pushmataha counties have decided to be second amendment sanctuaries.

This has been happening across the country, but it didn’t take root in Oklahoma until Logan County Sheriff Damon Devereaux spoke out.

“I want to ensure my citizens that they’re going to be able to protect themselves if we can’t get there fast enough… that’s the bottom line,” he said, promising to enforce a citizen’s right to bear arms ahead of any future laws he thinks will infringe on it.

For example: A proposed “red flag” law, which would let a court remove firearms from someone who may be dangerous.

Bruce Nunez of Terry’s Gun & Pawn in Guthrie supports the sheriff’s move, saying laws limiting gun rights don’t have the same effect on everyone in the state.

“That may be convenient if you’re in a major metropolitan area with a 1,000-man police force that can get to your house in five minutes,” Nunez said. “Here in Logan County, there are people who it takes 30 minutes.”

But state Rep. Jason Lowe (D-District 97) argues the sheriff must enforce the law.

“A sheriff’s job is not to dictate his opinion on a law or to determine whether a law is constitutional or not; it’s the court’s job,” Lowe said. “So I totally disagree with him imposing his political opinion on this issue.”

Cacky Poarch with Moms Demand Action said she expects law enforcers to uphold common sense gun measures like “red flag” laws.

“It is through legal means; it is a safety measure; and I think it benefits Oklahomans,” Poarch said. “I think what the sheriff is doing is not a benefit.”

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