By: David Tripp
3 Feb 2020
Consider request from Commissioner Donald Hawbaker to adopt a Resolution supporting the legislation currently being considered by the State of Georgia regarding upholding the Second Amendment rights of our citizens. Mr. Wilson advised that Commissioner Hawbaker and Commissioner Dutton requested that this item be placed on the agenda.
Commissioner Dutton stated that he spoke with the County Attorney about this at the Retreat and he has spoken with a number of people about this. Our rights are not something that gets to be toyed with. Our rights are not something that gets to be negotiated. The Second Amendment is not something that grants us the right, it limits the government’s ability to take our god given rights as human beings and this is simply affirmation of those rights. He has spoken with the District Attorney and he agrees that he will support us in such a Resolution. He has also spoken with the Sheriff, we’re on the same page. We will not stand by and let our rights be infringed upon.
Motion/Second by Dutton/Hawbaker to approve a Resolution supporting the legislation currently being considered by the State of Georgia regarding upholding the Second Amendment rights of our citizens. Motion carried unanimously by all.
Verification Citation/Source: Spalding County Board of Commissioners
Resolution date passed: 3 Feb 2020
Vote Count: Unanimous