Taylor Six
Jan 28, 2020
Many Madison Countians cheered and shook the hands of members of the Madison County Fiscal Court after they declared themselves a Second Amendment Sanctuary county, making them the 48th county in the commonwealth to do so.
A Second Amendment Sanctuary refers to localities in the United States who have enacted resolutions to stop the enforcement of gun control measures which seem to violate the Second Amendment.
The resolution, 20-08, contained language that supported the sanctuary laws, saying the fiscal court was “concerned about any bill with any language which infringes on the Second Amendment.”
Magistrates Tom Botkin and John Tudor and Judge/Executive Reagan Taylor voted yes approving the resolution. Magistrates Roger Barger and Larry Combs were absent from the meeting due to illness.
And while audience members clapped and celebrated the resolutions signing, Berea resident Shane Morris spoke during the public comment portion of the meeting proposing an ordinance directed at the federal government to strengthen the protection of gun laws in the county.
“There have been some who have cynically suggested that the resolution effort that is sweeping through Kentucky county fiscal courts is really aimed at placating people, satisfying people, and they will go away,” Morris said. “But I trust my home county’s fiscal court is not doing that.”
He reminded that resolutions have no enforceable law and often times, “aren’t worth the paper they are written on.”
“There is, however, something the fiscal court can do that would truly help preserve our Second Amendment rights,” he said. “And that is the passing of an ordinance, and this ordinance would be directed at the federal government and any involuntary infringement on our Second Amendment rights.”
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