Home States Michigan Ogemaw County MI, pass 2nd Amendment resolution

Ogemaw County MI, pass 2nd Amendment resolution


By: David Tripp
23 Jan 2020

Commissioner Vaughn stated the board should adopt the Ogemaw County 2nd Amendment Resolution. Having done that, it would be appropriate for county counsel to review the similar Oscoda County ordinance and use it for our purposes.

Motion by Neubecker, second by Vaugh, the Ogemaw County Board of Commissioners adopt the Ogemaw County 2nd Amendment Resolution. Additionally, the Oscoda County 2nd Amendment Resolution be reviewed by county counsel and thereafter, adopt it as own as edited. Voice vote. Ayes – all. Motion carried. [2-1-#8]

Verification Citation/Source: Ogemaw County Board of Commissioners
Resolution date passed: 23 Jan 2020
Vote Count: Unanimous

Finalized resolution

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