Home States Kentucky Whitley Co. KY, passes resolution to become a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County

Whitley Co. KY, passes resolution to become a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County


By Jarrod Mills
Jan 22, 2020

WHITLEY COUNTY — Nearly 200 people filled the Whitley County Fiscal Courtroom on Tuesday evening in support of one item on the court’s agenda, the resolution to make Whitley County a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County.

Community members had their time to share their thoughts on the resolution with all voicing their support.

“I really didn’t expect opposition,” said Whitley County Judge Executive Pat White Jr. “This is a conservative area, a rural area people appreciate their hunting rights. People want the right to defend their homes in rural parts of the county, and I expected there to be a lot of support.”

Whitley County follows an ever-growing list of Kentucky’s counties that have adopted similar resolutions in the recent past.

“I would guess that if guns were really the threat to anybody that this would be the most dangerous room in Whitley County,” said White drawing a collective laugh from the audience. “I had somebody call me yesterday and say ‘there are going to be people there with guns,’ and I said ‘that will be the safest room in Whitley County.”

The resolution in its entirety reads as follows:

A resolution of the county of Whitley of the Commonwealth of Kentucky authorizing County Judge Executive to accept an act authorizing Whitley County as a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary.

Whereas, the Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of our nation

And whereas the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution states: a well regulated militia being being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

And whereas the United States Supreme Court has affirmed an individual right to possess firearms unconnected with military service for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self defense within home

And whereas the United States Supreme Court and The United States vs Miller 1939 stated that firearms that are part of ordinary military equipment with use that could contribute tot he common defense are protected by the 2nd Amendment

And whereas the Whitley County Fiscal Court is concerned about the passage of any bill containing language which could be interpreted as infringing the rights of the citizens of Whitley County to keep and bear arms

And whereas the Whitley County Fiscal Court wishes to express its deepest commitment to the rights of all citizens of Whitley County to keep and bear arms

And whereas the Whitley County Fiscal Court wishes to express opposition to any law that would unconstitutionally restrict the right of the citizens of Whitley County to keep and bear arms

And whereas the Whitley County Fiscal Court wishes to express its intent to stand as a sanctuary county for 2nd Amendment rights and to oppose within the limits of the Constitution of the United States and the Commonwealth of Kentucky any efforts to unconstitutionally restrict such rights

Now be it therefore resolved this 21st day January 2020 by Whitey County the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the Whitley County Fiscal Court hereby designates Whitley County a 2nd Amendment sanctuary in order to preserve for the people of, on, and in Whitley County their rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America

Furthermore, that the Whitley County Fiscal Court herby expresses its intent to uphold 2nd Amendment rights of its citizens of Whitley County Kentucky

And furthermore, that the Whitley County Fiscal Court herby declares its intent to oppose any infringement on the right of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms

We, the Whitley County Fiscal Court of the Commonwealth of Kentucky through this resolution hereby declare the rights of our citizens their freedom and liberty as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States of America.

Magistrate Mondo Cima made the motion to accept the resolution, with Magistrate Scotty Harrison seconding the motion.

“If there is no other discussion,” said White, “all those in favor signify by standing up for your Constitutional rights.”

A loud cheer, and applause from the crowd filled the Fiscal Courtroom as each member in attendance stood along with the members of the Whitley County Fiscal Court.
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