Home States Wisconsin Washburn County WI, passes Second Amendment resolution

Washburn County WI, passes Second Amendment resolution


By David Tripp
21 Jan 2020

Resolution 1-20 Opposing Any Legislation That Would Infringe on The Second Amendment – Motion to approve by Supv. D. Masterjonn, 2nd by Supv. S. Johnson.

Reviewed history of the resolution; Supv S. Smith spoke for the change of wording to eliminate reference to a ‘2nd amendment sanctuary county’ which the law Enforcement committee had addressed. Discussed the importance of upholding the Oath of Office which is taken by law enforcement and other officials. Supvs. Olsgard, Ford, Featherly spoke against the resolution. Roll Vote’ yes (14), No (6)
J. Smith, L. Featherly, B. Olsgard, D. Haessig, R. Quinn, J. Ford voted No
Youth: Yes (2); MC(Motion Carried)

Verification Citation/Source: Washburn County Supervisors Minutes / Wisconsin Grandsons of Liberty
Resolution date passed: 21 Jan 2020
Vote Count: 14-6

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